We’re Mostly Trying to Escape This Moment


By Leo Babauta

A lot of our days, we’re making an attempt to flee. In reality, you may name this the first occupation of the human animal.

What are we making an attempt to flee? What’s taking place on this second, proper now. Most individuals will outright reject that concept, however I do know this to be true of myself, and it’s been true for therefore many individuals I’ve labored with and recognized.

Take into account how most of us spend our days:

  • Doing busywork, messages, emails, small duties.
  • Pushing aside bigger duties, avoiding the scary stuff.
  • Scrolling social media, information, favourite distraction web sites.
  • Watching movies on Youtube, Netflix, and so on.
  • Taking part in video games.
  • Consuming consolation meals (typically whereas watching a display screen).
  • Taking a drug of alternative: alcohol, nicotine, hashish, caffeine, opioids, and so on.
  • Listening to music whereas we do one thing else (like figuring out, strolling, driving, showering).

I’ve no judgment of any of those — they aren’t essentially dangerous, and I do them too. However you may discover that what they’ve in widespread: all of them take us away from no matter is occurring on this second. That’s their major objective.

We do it in different methods too: complaining, gossiping, over-apologizing, folks pleasing, bragging, displaying off, worrying, overthinking, catastrophizing, making ourselves the sufferer, ruminating about what occurred or what we should always have stated. These are all methods to get ourselves out of the current second.

The Price & Alternative

So what? Is there something improper with this? In fact not — as I stated, it’s eminently human.

Nevertheless, once we attempt to escape the second, we’re limiting ourselves. We are able to’t keep in an uncomfortable second the place we don’t know how you can do one thing, or don’t know what the end result can be. We restrict ourselves by having to keep away from issue, or scary tasks.

We additionally miss out on the great thing about what’s happening proper now. Not solely the character and lightweight throughout us, however our human expertise that’s taking place on this second. Our reference to others.

And this turns into educated — the extra we do it, the much less capability we’ve for going through uncomfortable issues sooner or later. We diminish ourselves by escaping.

So the chance, then, is to observe not escaping. Once we really feel uncomfortable, keep for slightly longer. To not the purpose of torture, however simply to the purpose that’s simply past our consolation zone. We develop our capability to be with all of life.

After which we miss out on much less of life. It’s fairly a gap factor, to have the ability to totally dwell.

Methods to Observe Not Escaping

So how can we observe? Some folks love to do chilly showers or arduous exercises — and these are glorious. However we don’t have to hunt out a brand new exercise to observe … we will simply cease escaping from what’s already taking place.

In my Fearless Living Academy, that is the primary factor that persons are practising — they’re working with altering their habits, discovering objective and creating a significant influence on the planet … however the path to that’s to face discomfort with out at all times having to flee.​​​

Some methods we will cease escaping:

  • Go off your telephone for a lot of the day. This can be uncomfortable for a lot of — that’s OK. Stick with the uncomfortable feeling. You’ll uncover what you’ve been making an attempt to keep away from.
  • Spend intentional time away out of your pc. Not distracting your self, however simply sitting and considering. Or stroll round your home or workplace, simply seeing what you possibly can discover.
  • Stick with a tough process or challenge for 10 minutes longer than you need to. Discover what comes up internally while you keep for longer.
  • Postpone electronic mail and messages till later within the day, if that is one thing that you simply do quite a bit. Discover what comes up.
  • Give up caffeine or alcohol (or no matter favourite substance you could have) for a month. See what emotions floor, and let your deal with be processing these emotions.
  • Go meals sober for a pair weeks — meaning no intoxicating meals. See what ideas or feelings come up.
  • Superior: Discover while you’re complaining, making your self right into a sufferer, taking your anger out on folks, beating your self up or being harsh, fantasizing, and so on. See should you can discover the sensation beneath these psychological escapes.

Once we reduce off our escapes, we begin to discover the issues we don’t need to be with. Feelings, emotions about ourselves, issues we haven’t processed. It’s essential to be light with your self as you do that, and loving. Give your self lots of self-care. Get help from others. And get assist from an expert therapist if this feels in any respect harmful — it shouldn’t get to the extent of hazard, simply medium discomfort. Nothing too intense. If it’s too intense, cease, and discover somebody that will help you.

In the long run, this isn’t about being robust, or coercive with ourselves. It’s about discovering a mild solution to observe opening as much as extra of life. The place may you begin?


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