Easy Keto Bacon and Egg Salad


Excellent by itself for a low carb lunch or eaten on a lettuce leaf, this scrumptious Keto Bacon and Egg Salad is wholesome and simple to make.

Bacon and Egg Salad

To make this yummy salad, you solely want just a few easy elements – bacon, eggs, avocado, mayonnaise, mustard and salt and pepper, to style.

Easy Keto Bacon and Egg Salad up close

Laborious boiling the Eggs

The simplest methodology of onerous boiling eggs, is to steam them. To do that, fill a saucepan with 1 inch (2.5cm) of water and insert a steamer basket.

Deliver the water to a boil and gently place 6 eggs within the steamer basket or immediately into the saucepan, for those who don’t have a basket. Cowl the pot.

Set the timer for 17 minutes for 12 eggs or quarter-hour for six eggs. Scale back the cooking time by a few minutes if utilizing common sized eggs.

When the time is up, take away the eggs and place them in icy chilly water to chill.

Scrumptious Egg Salad Variations

Regardless that this salad tastes scrumptious by itself, you possibly can additionally add slightly twist to it once in a while with these optionally available extras:

  • Cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
  • Purple onion, sliced
  • ½ teaspoon of garlic powder or paprika added to the mayonnaise
  • Lettuce, or one other spring lettuce combine
  • Thinly sliced shallots 
  • Attempt utilizing bitter cream as an alternative of mayonnaise or ½ mayo and ½ bitter cream
  • Add just a few chopped herbs reminiscent of coriander, parsley or dill
  • Cube up some sun-dried tomatoes and blend them by means of
  • Attempt a spicy or wholemeal mustard
  • Add slightly spice by mixing just a few drops of sriracha scorching sauce into the mayonnaise
  • Attempting including some diced cucumber or pickles to the combination

Easy Keto Bacon and Egg Salad in a bowl

Making Egg Salad

To make this Keto Bacon and Egg Salad, you have to:

  • 10 onerous boiled eggs
  • 4 slices of bacon, cooked
  • 1 avocado
  • ½ cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • salt and pepper, to style

Easy Keto Bacon and Egg Salad ingredients

Peel and chop the onerous boiled eggs. You might additionally mash the eggs with a potato masher or a fork and even grate the peeled eggs with a field grater. The feel shall be totally different, relying on the tactic you select to make use of.

Add the chopped eggs to a big bowl.

Cube the cooked bacon slices into small items and add to the eggs.

Easy Keto Bacon and Egg Salad adding bacon to the eggs

Pit and cube the avocado. Add the avocado to the bowl with the eggs.

Easy Keto Bacon and Egg Salad adding the avocado to the eggs

Add the mayonnaise, the mustard and salt and pepper to style to the bowl.

Easy Keto Bacon and Egg Salad adding the mayonnaise, mustard and salt and pepper

Gently combine all of the elements collectively till nicely blended.

Easy Keto Bacon and Egg Salad mixing

As a result of browning tendency of avocado, this salad is greatest served instantly. It may be stored within the fridge for as much as two days, although the avocado could start to brown.

The salad could be made forward and stored within the fridge, simply add the avocado simply earlier than serving.

Serving Solutions

  • Serve with celery and carrot items
  • Attempt inserting a small quantity of egg salad onto legislation carb crackers
  • Slice up some cucumber or capsicum to serve with this salad
  • Serve with a can of tuna (drained) 
  • Attempt serving with some Keto bread or crackers
  • Greek yoghurt dip served with this salad could be superb
  • Serve on a mattress of lettuce or different salad greens

Easy Keto Bacon and Egg Salad with a piece of bacon

Extra Egg Recipes

Easy Keto Bacon and Egg Salad on a piece of bacon


Easy Keto Bacon and Egg Salad

Keto Bacon and Egg Salad

Excellent by itself for a low carb lunch, or used as a sandwich filling, this scrumptious Keto Bacon and Egg Salad is wholesome and simple to make.

Prep Time 10 minutes

Whole Time 10 minutes

Course Lunch, Primary Course


  • 10 Laborious Boiled Eggs
  • 4 Slices Bacon, Cooked
  • 1 Avocado
  • ½ Cup Mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp Mustard
  • Salt and Pepper, To Style


Serving Solutions

  • Serve with celery and carrot items
  • Attempt inserting a small quantity of egg salad onto legislation carb crackers
  • Slice up some cucumber or capsicum to serve with this salad
  • Serve with a can of tuna (drained) 
  • Attempt serving with some Keto bread or crackers
  • Greek yoghurt dip served with this salad could be superb
  • Serve on a mattress of lettuce or different salad greens


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