Q. Ancient masters said that we should not follow the Buddha and not avoid Mara. How can we distinguish between the Buddha and Mara? – Zen Fools


A. The core of Buddhist educating is non-duality, that’s, every thing is one. Buddha and Mara should not separate however one. Whether or not somebody or one thing is the Buddha or Mara depends upon the way you behold it.

Seeing what you see as actual is being deluded by Mara and seeing it as empty is seeing the Buddha as a result of Vacancy is one other identify of the Buddha. That is why the historic Buddha mentioned within the Diamond Sutra, “If you happen to see every thing not as actual however as empty, you possibly can see the true-Self.”

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All pictures ©Simon Hathaway


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