Zen Habits Podcast Launch! – zen habits zen habits


It’s lastly right here — launch day for the Zen Habits Podcast!

As we speak is a day of celebration … of not solely this launch, however of the journey I’ve been on with all of you Zen Habits readers. Of the work that I’ve put into this, but additionally of the assist I’ve gotten from my workforce. Of all the numerous hours I’ve been working with folks in my Fearless Living Academy, in my Fearless Mastery mastermind, with my one-on-one coaching clients, and listening to all of you readers.

The Zen Habits Podcast can be found here.

Let’s have fun! This podcast has been a labor of affection, from from the need to offer you an excellent deeper and extra intimate approach to discover the ideas of mindfulness, simplicity, and intentional residing. By means of audio conversations, we intention to carry you nearer to the center of Zen Habits.

What to Count on:

I’ll be sharing an episode each Wednesday morning (with some attainable bonus episodes in between!).

The podcast can be created in seasons — Season 1 is about dealing with our resistance, concern and uncertainty with a purpose to do our significant work. Season 1 is titled, Worry + Surprise. Different seasons could have completely different focuses.

I’ll be doing a mixture of solo podcast episodes, conversations with visitor specialists, and bringing in your questions and tales into some episodes, and even doing stay teaching classes with a few of you!

Easy methods to Pay attention:

Check out the Zen Habits Podcast here, after which select your favourite podcast platform – whether or not it’s Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or some other. Hit the subscribe button to obtain new episodes as quickly as they’re launched.

Unfold the Pleasure:

I encourage you to share this podcast with anybody who would possibly resonate with the Zen Habits philosophy. Let’s make this launch a second of connection and inspiration for as many individuals as attainable.

Thanks for being part of this outstanding group. Your assist, suggestions, and presence have formed the Zen Habits Podcast. I’m extremely grateful for each certainly one of you. And I have fun you.


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