What You Need to Know About Birth Control if You’re Transgender or Nonbinary


Irrespective of the place you might be on the gender spectrum, you may select to make use of birth control if there’s an opportunity you could possibly get pregnant and also you don’t wish to.

Not all people who find themselves transgender, nonbinary, or gender expansive select to get gender-affirming care. However some individuals do take hormone remedy as a part of their medical care to assist align their intercourse traits with their gender identification. In the event you do, take into account that gender-affirming hormone remedy isn’t made for contraception, so that you shouldn’t depend on it for that objective. 

Some individuals may also think about sure varieties of hormonal contraception for different causes. For instance, gender dysphoriadistress when your gender doesn’t match the intercourse assigned to you at start – can worsen in the event you establish as male however had been assigned feminine at start and get your interval. Some contraception choices can reduce or stop your period.

Contraception just isn’t designed for any specific gender identification. Something that cisgender individuals may select is accessible for everybody. The kind of contraceptive that’s greatest for you depends upon your scenario. 

“If it’s for a affected person with no different threat components, any choice is accessible,” says Beth Cronin, MD, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Windfall, RI. Issues that will have an effect on your choice embody your well being, household planning objectives, and what negative effects you’re prepared or capable of dwell with.

Contraceptive counseling can assist you resolve which choice greatest matches your objectives, says Adam Bonnington, MD, an obstetrician-gynecologist in San Francisco. (Contraceptive is one other phrase for contraception.)


In case your objective is to keep away from being pregnant, chances are you’ll wish to think about contraception if:

  • You may have ovaries and a uterus, you haven’t gone by menopause, and you’ve got vaginal intercourse with somebody who has testicles and a penis. 
  • You may have testicles and a penis, and you’ve got vaginal intercourse with somebody who has ovaries and a uterus who hasn’t been by menopause and doesn’t wish to get pregnant.

You and your associate might wish to focus on what you every need and what the choices are.

Trans males and nonbinary individuals: In the event you take testosterone remedy (T) to curb female traits and produce out masculine ones, it’s going to cease your intervals. Some individuals assume which means they will’t get pregnant. However whereas a being pregnant for somebody on this scenario is unlikely, it’s not not possible, Cronin says.

“We usually counsel sufferers that in the event that they’re on T and are having that kind of intercourse, they might get pregnant and they need to be utilizing contraception,” she says. 

In the event you take testosterone as a part of your gender-affirming care, and also you wish to get pregnant, you’ll need to cease taking it.

Trans ladies and nonbinary individuals: Some trans ladies and nonbinary individuals take estradiol remedy as a feminizing hormone. That remedy received’t work as contraception. Neither will hormonal remedy that curbs masculine traits, as a result of it doesn’t fully cease sperm manufacturing.

In the event you haven’t had a vasectomy (when a physician cuts and seals the tubes that carry sperm) or orchiectomy (surgical procedure to take away the testicles), and you’ve got vaginal intercourse along with your associate, be certain they use contraception in the event that they don’t wish to get pregnant. You may also use a barrier technique, equivalent to a condom, however condoms don’t work in addition to different types of contraception.

Different varieties of hormonal therapies that aren’t contraception strategies embody:

  • Cyproterone acetate
  • Finasteride
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues

There are a number of varieties of contraception. The sort that’s best for you won’t be proper for another person. 

Issues that may have an effect on your choices embody:

  • How simple it’s to make use of
  • Value
  • Potential negative effects
  • Misconceptions you could have about it
  • Issues that make it arduous to get contraception
  • Discrimination or bias
  • Your relationship along with your physician

Speak to your physician you probably have questions on your choices.


Condoms will assist shield you from sexually transmitted illnesses (STDs). However to keep away from being pregnant, you must also use one other type of contraception.

If condoms are the one type of contraception you utilize – and you utilize them completely, each time you could have vaginal intercourse – there’s a few 2% likelihood that you could possibly get pregnant. However most individuals don’t at all times use them appropriately, driving up the chances of getting pregnant to about 13% in the event you’re not utilizing a second type of contraception. 


Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are formed like a T. A physician inserts an IUD into your uterus for long-term, extremely efficient contraception. It’s a fast course of, however you’ll wish to be sure to’re snug with that.

There are 5 varieties of IUDs authorized within the U.S. 4 of them launch very small quantities of the hormone progestin, which is not going to trigger any feminizing results. The fifth kind is a nonhormonal copper intrauterine gadget (you may hear these known as Cu-IUDs). 

Unintended effects can embody vaginal recognizing (the place there’s solely a bit of little bit of blood) and bleeding. Some individuals additionally get cramps associated to their IUD. However most individuals keep on with the IUDs, based on a 2021 research printed within the Journal of Midwifery and Girls’s Well being. That research was primarily based on a survey of 105 trans males and gender numerous individuals with IUDs who had been assigned feminine at start. The IUDs had been “nicely tolerated,” the researchers wrote, with few individuals searching for to take away them due to negative effects. 

Progesterone-only strategies

Progesterone is a hormone that your physique makes. Progestin is an artificial model of it. 

Progesterone-only strategies of contraception embody some IUDs (levonorgestrel intrauterine techniques), implants, photographs, or tablets. Speak to your physician about it first. 

Photographs or IUDs may enable you cease or reduce bleeding out of your vagina. To keep away from bleeding, chances are you’ll wish to select a way just like the progestin-only implant, IUD, or shot, Bonnington says.

Mixed hormonal contraceptives (CHCs)

Mixed hormonal contraceptives (CHCs) embody patches, tablets, and the vaginal ring. They include estrogen and progestogen. There isn’t sufficient feminizing hormone in these contraceptives to have an effect on testosterone remedy.

In the event you’ve had top surgery (surgical procedure to take away breast tissue to create a extra masculine chest), drugs with estrogen – equivalent to contraception tablets, patches, or the ring – may make your breasts really feel tender or sore. “Some individuals notice some bloating and issues like that, however it’s actually going to depend upon the particular person,” Cronin says.

Extra everlasting choices

There are additionally extra everlasting types of contraception. Both associate can get a vasectomy or tubal ligation (surgical procedure to chop, tie, or block the fallopian tubes). Each procedures will assist forestall conception.

Many transgender and nonbinary individuals say they’ve been discriminated towards or in any other case not handled respectfully in well being care settings.

Generally one of the best ways to search out LGBTQ-friendly suppliers is thru phrase of mouth from household or buddies, Cronin says. Native LGBTQ organizations typically have a listing of suppliers they refer individuals to, Bonnington says.

Indicators the supplier is LGBTQ-friendly can embody:

  • A posted signal with nondiscrimination insurance policies that embody gender identification and expression protections
  • A ready room with academic brochures, magazines, or posters about transgender well being
  • A toilet labeled for all-gender use
  • Consumption types that ask in your right identify, pronouns, gender identification, and intercourse assigned at start
  • Suppliers who’ve their pronouns on their identify badges

Nonetheless, he says, these aren’t ensures {that a} supplier or clinic is LGBTQ-friendly.




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