Q. Buddhism says that we should discard lust and greed and attain enlightenment. How is it possible to live without lust and greed in competitive societies?


A. It doesn’t imply that we must always throw lust and greed away in the best way we take away waste however that we must always realise they’re the seeds of enlightenment. Attaining enlightenment doesn’t imply to seek out it in a particular place in the best way we discover diamonds or gold in mines however means to understand that all the things, together with lust and greed, is the perform of the true-Self. Once we don’t see lust and greed as they’re, they’re referred to as illusions and once we see them as they’re, they’re referred to as the Buddha, the true-Self. Because of this an historic grasp stated that lust and greed are all Buddhas’ mom and that each one Buddhas are kids of lust and greed.

Pupil: “How can I discard lust and greed?”

Grasp: “Jade is hidden in stone, and a pearl is hidden in a shell.”

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All pictures ©Simon Hathaway


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