The One About Habits and Habit Stacking [Short Series]


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Katie: Howdy, and welcome to the Wellness Mama Podcast. I’m Katie, from And this episode is a sequence of brief podcasts that may try to offer a Feynman abstract of kinds of my understanding of a whole matter that I’ll current in an actionable manner, in beneath half-hour, with some key takeaways which you could attempt to implement no matter this matter is, into your life. And as a paraphrase of how Andrew Huberman begins his podcast, I wish to emphasize that every one of my podcasts are separate from my main position as mother, mommy, mother, and mom in my house, and that they don’t seem to be medical recommendation. I’m not a physician, and I don’t play one on the web. So these are for instructional functions solely. And as I all the time remind you guys, you might be your individual main well being care supplier. And whereas we will work with superb practitioners who might be our associate in that, on the finish of the day, the accountability lies with every of us to manage the inputs that truly result in higher well being. And so, one in every of my objectives and one in every of my missions behind operating is to assist make that data extra accessible and extra usable, in order that we will every grow to be more practical in our personal roles as main well being care supplier.
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However onto right now’s matter, this podcast is all about habits, and a time period that I’ve used lots previously couple of years, behavior stacking. I’m certain you’ve heard that phrase. However habits are principally shortcuts, as a result of they’ve grow to be issues we do persistently. And the important thing being with out having to place a lot effort or thought into them. In order that’s good or unhealthy information, relying on how we take a look at it, as a result of analysis estimates that as a lot as 40% of what we do in a day isn’t the results of choices, however of habits. And by understanding this, we will use habits to our benefit in new methods. So the query is, how will we type habits? How will we get them to stay? And on this episode, I’m going to briefly dive into the analysis surrounding behavior creation, together with strategies for beginning new habits and making them stick. And delve into an idea known as behavior stacking, which is a time period I’ve been utilizing for years. It’s a manner I discovered that’s actually useful in getting new habits to stay. And in outlining for this episode, I discovered that the time period was initially created by BJ Fogg, who has been utilizing this time period for years. I haven’t taken this course, but it surely’s a part of his Tiny Habits program, that I’ll hyperlink to within the present notes in case you’re all for studying extra. And there’s additionally apparently a ebook known as “Behavior Stacking” that I haven’t learn, however I’ll hyperlink that within the present notes as properly in case you need to learn it.
So first, a little bit bit on the science of habits. One factor we all know is that habits are sometimes linked to a cue or a set off that reminds us of the behavior with out having to make use of a lot thought or willpower. And extra on that in a minute. However with out a lot thought or willpower is a key half. A battle that you could be be aware of, is that long run targets like figuring out extra, eliminating extra physique fats, consuming more healthy meals, saving more cash, and so forth., usually battle with brief time period needs, like the need to look at your favourite present, or eat one thing candy, or purchase one thing we would like. The excellent news is, that there are issues we will do that appear to drastically enhance our probability of sticking with new habits over time. So, habits usually imply a change in routine, which does require effort within the brief time period. And by integrating new habits with a part of an present routine, we will shorten the willpower portion of the behavior creation.
And that’s what I’ll discuss in a minute, known as behavior stacking. Principally connecting a brand new behavior to one thing with a brief time period or rapid reward. As a result of there’s a launch of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that performs a key position in reinforcing behaviors within the mind’s reward pathway. This helps us cement the brand new behavior as a constructive expertise. And I’ll offer you some shortcuts on how I’ve executed that in a couple of minutes.
There’s additionally quite a lot of debate about how lengthy it takes to type a behavior. And also you’ve most likely heard estimates starting from on the very low finish, 7 days, to the quite common, 21 days, as much as 90 days, and even way more. There appears to be some variation, in fact, right here relying on the kind of behavior, and if it requires breaking one other behavior to implement this behavior. However essentially the most constant reply I noticed on the analysis for the typical behavior was really about 66 days, so over two months. And in delving into this analysis, the favored thought {that a} behavior takes 21 days dates again to a plastic surgeon really, named Maxwell Maltz,who discovered When he carried out a surgical procedure that altered somebody’s look, it took a median of 21 days for them to get used to the brand new look.
He realized that it additionally took him about 21 days to get used to a brand new behavior as properly. And he revealed this concept in a ebook known as “Psycho-Cybernetics,” which has bought thousands and thousands of copies. And in line with the blogger James Clear, this concept unfold like a recreation of phone, and lots of self-help gurus picked up the thought, claiming {that a} behavior takes precisely 21 days to type. Now, the draw back is, it might probably take considerably longer, and many individuals understandably grow to be discouraged when that 21-day mark comes and goes. However in line with James Clear, Phillippa Lally is a well being psychology professor at College School London. In a examine revealed within the “European Journal of Social Psychology,” she and her analysis group determined to determine how lengthy it really takes to type a behavior. This examine examined the habits of 96 individuals over a 12-week interval. Every particular person selected one new behavior for the 12 weeks, and reported every day on whether or not they did the conduct and the way automated it felt. That’s the place the 66 day timeline got here from, that James Clear mentions.
I do marvel, as a result of it was a 12-week examine, if there have been limitations primarily based on their time interval as properly. However there was one other vital discovering from that examine, which was that lacking a day or two didn’t appear to restart the behavior formation course of, or derail progress. So when you wouldn’t need to miss greater than a day or two in a row, an occasional miss doesn’t appear to derail a behavior. Which is a crucial mindset half to have in place so that you simply don’t quit, as an example, in case you’re making an attempt to combine a brand new behavior and also you miss someday. However the takeaway on timing, count on a brand new behavior to take a minimum of a few months, with some taking for much longer. I believe having life like expectations round that’s vital, so we don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t grow to be straightforward and automated and 21 days.
There’s one other vital distinction as a part of this dialog, which is the distinction between habits and routines. Each are vital, clearly, however there are some variations. And I believe usually, the definitions get confused. So like I mentioned at first, habits take little or no thought. They grow to be nearly automated. Whereas routines can embrace habits, however they do take some thought or effort. So, routines might be actually useful in constructing habits. However simply because one thing has grow to be a routine doesn’t imply that it’s absolutely built-in as a behavior.
Just a little little bit of science right here, stick with me. There are particular neuronal connections which are strongest for the issues we do persistently. As an illustration, if we play tennis commonly or play an instrument, the neuronal connections get stronger for these particular issues. And researchers assume that our brains strengthen neuronal connections for issues we do usually and prune away ones that aren’t getting used. So, enjoyable truth, that is why infants have extra neurons within the mind, typically. It’s as a result of their brains are sponges which are ready to take in data, and create these stronger pathways, and combine habits. And as adults, we have now fewer neurons, however doubtlessly stronger connections oriented towards issues that we do usually or have mastered.
So the method of making a behavior isn’t nearly studying to do one thing repeatedly. It’s actually about wiring and strengthening the mind. And understanding that, it is sensible that this takes a while. So sidenote, unrelated, however I’m personally a fan of blending up routines and habits as soon as they’re built-in, as a sample interrupt and to take care of adaptability. I believe there’s additionally some potential arguments for mind well being right here. You might need heard me say earlier than that I’ve the precept of not doing something, each single day, apart from just a few issues like hugging my youngsters, and telling them that I like them. However my logic right here is that I don’t need my physique and mind to grow to be too accustomed to something. And the sample interrupt appears useful for focus at occasions. So for me, this implies I don’t take dietary supplements each single day. I don’t eat day by day. Typically I quick. I undoubtedly don’t eat the identical meals day by day. I don’t do the identical workout routines day by day. I don’t even learn each single day or sauna, though these are all issues I persistently do.
One other warning although, don’t let excellent be the enemy of the nice with regards to behavior formation. Breaking the mindset of giving up on a brand new behavior since you tousled one time will improve the prospect of truly integrating the behavior for longer. And one different small tip I discovered useful right here is, as a substitute of considering of days as singular models, break your day into perhaps, like, three or 4 hour chunks, or, like, morning, early afternoon, later afternoon, night. And in case you mess up inside a given chunk, let it reset on the subsequent one. So you have got 4 separate blocks day by day versus someday the place you’re like, “Oh, properly, I already ate one thing I wasn’t going to eat right now. So I’m simply going to attend until tomorrow to do it once more.” That’ll shorten the timeline on getting again on observe.
There’s different components that emerge within the analysis with regards to habits. One known as implementation intentions. So principally, that is only a fancy time period, but it surely principally is an in depth plan, normally in an if/then format of how and when a behavior goes to occur. I’ve additionally used this if/then technique with my children and with house group. You might need heard me discuss that. I even have heard this really helpful by Amy McCready from Optimistic Parenting Options, to make use of particular with children, as a result of their brains additionally appear to reply properly to if/then statements. Like, when you have made your mattress, then chances are you’ll do regardless of the factor is. It seems, although, that merely setting the implementation intention in a really detailed manner can greater than double the prospect of you taking the motion and cementing the behavior.
About 20 years in the past, a examine checked out this, referring to creating the behavior of exercising, and so they divided individuals into three teams. One was a managed group, one was a gaggle that was given schooling and motivation about why train was vital, and the third group needed to create a selected plan of when and the place they’d train, and/or with whom, in the event that they had been going with somebody. So at 2 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays on the gymnasium, and so forth. The primary two teams, 35% to 38% of the individuals did the behavior. The third group who needed to make an in depth plan that was written down, about 91% did. So simply the act of defining that to your mind appears to make a giant distinction. That is additionally the rationale I’m a fan of writing down challenges, experiments, and intentions, after which it actually does assist them occur.
Now, for the time period that I’m a giant fan of and that I discussed just lately on one other podcast the place I used to be being interviewed, and the interviewer needed to go actually deep on this. I needed to present it to you guys as properly. And that’s the time period, behavior stacking. In order I mentioned, behavior stacking is a time period I’ve been utilizing for a very long time. And in researching for this podcast, I discovered that it was initially coined by BJ Fogg. And there isn’t direct analysis that I’m conscious of on behavior stacking. Although I’ve personally discovered this extraordinarily useful. And I believe logically, it makes quite a lot of sense.
Because the identify suggests, that is merely the thought of stacking two habits collectively. One that’s already an everyday behavior and ingrained, like, brushing tooth, waking up, consuming a meal, having a shower, issues which are very ingrained habits, with a brand new behavior that you’re making an attempt to create to doubtlessly shorten the trail of making the brand new behavior. Because the neuronal pathway of the present behavior is already so robust, it’s a dependable set off. I’ll give some particular instance of this in a minute. However I’ve additionally seen this time period used to reference stacking a brand new behavior with one thing pleasurable or rewarding.
Although I might personally contemplate this a technique to get the rapid dopamine launch, however I wouldn’t essentially contemplate it behavior stacking if the dopamine creating factor just isn’t already a behavior. The opposite benefit right here is that if an present behavior just isn’t one thing that requires effort, and it’s one thing you do commonly, it doesn’t take any willpower, and also you don’t have to recollect to do it. So in case you can hyperlink the brand new behavior to this, it reduces the probability of you forgetting the brand new behavior, which makes compliance simpler. And since that neuronal pathway is already so properly established, doubtlessly, we’d be capable to hyperlink that neuronal pathway to create the brand new one in a shorter time interval. As a result of we already established well-formed habits have robust neural pathways round them. And whereas this hasn’t been properly researched, I want they’d analysis this, this may be one of many causes that I discovered that behavior stacking is so useful. It’s cheap to assume that the well-established behavior pathway, the neuronal pathway within the mind, would possibly one way or the other profit the creation of the brand new neural pathway as properly.
Additionally, since we established that new behavior creation requires willpower, and psychological assets because the mind creates stronger neural pathways, it’s additionally useful to think about how one can take away obstacles and to place issues or triggers in your manner, so that you don’t neglect them whenever you’re making an attempt to create a brand new behavior. Like I mentioned, I’ll share a few of my particular examples in a second. However with regards to placing issues in your manner, this contains issues like placing dietary supplements in seen spots, the place you really must take them, or placing motion associated objects in your regular setting. So in our house, that’s issues like we have now gymnastics rings hanging within the bedrooms. We’ve a climbing hangboard within the kitchen. We’ve pull up bars in a pair locations. There’s a gymnastics mat down our hallway. At one level we even had a mini trampoline as a espresso desk. However placing these issues in your manner simply will increase your probability that you simply’re going to see them and use them.
And earlier than we get to the particular examples, another ideas to bear in mind. Small habits are simpler to implement and you’ll construct on them. It looks like one of many causes individuals will quit on a brand new behavior creation is that they may attempt to tackle an excessive amount of directly and get overwhelmed or deplete willpower. So, a brief exercise every day, including a little bit bit extra protein or greens, and so forth., is less complicated than making an attempt to fully change your food plan or add an enormous exercise routine whenever you haven’t been figuring out in any respect.
I even learn the story of 1 researcher who determined to create the behavior of doing just one pushup a day, and doing way more and integrating motion as a day by day follow, however he solely dedicated to at least one pushup, which made it really feel doable and he really caught with it. Additionally, the extra particularly outlined the brand new behavior is, the extra doubtless we’re to stay with them, like I discussed when it got here to implementation intention. I say to maintain these three issues in thoughts when implementing a brand new behavior; easy, brief, and particular. And the extra you may nail these, the extra doubtless you’re going to be to combine the brand new behavior.
Additionally, be sure to recollect to take away resolution fatigue and put issues in your manner, something you are able to do to scale back the quantity of willpower wanted to create the behavior, that’s going to assist it stick. Additionally a observe on breaking habits. Simply the need to cease doing one thing doesn’t seem to be a dependable technique for really doing it. So with the often-used instance of quitting smoking, as an example. It isn’t nearly desirous to stop, clearly, or many extra individuals would have stop. It’s simpler to exchange a behavior than to take away it totally. So whenever you’re doing this, contemplate all the advantages of the behavior you’re making an attempt to interrupt. Even when it’s a behavior you contemplate unhealthy, there are advantages, and your mind acts in what it considers to be a profit to you. So establish these advantages. Within the case of smoking, this could possibly be time exterior, common breaks, it could possibly be a social factor. After which discover methods to nonetheless get these advantages or set off dopamine in different methods as a substitute of simply making an attempt to drop the behavior. And contemplate perhaps a constructive behavior or an motion to exchange the behavior you’re making an attempt to interrupt with, particularly if the behavior has a robust need loop, like nicotine.
Okay, so I’m gonna offer you a few of my sensible examples that I personally use for behavior stacking, to present you some concepts to get began. And I might love to listen to any that you simply guys have yourselves within the feedback, and we will construct a dialog round that. However these are habits that relate to well being issues that I’ve talked about on this podcast earlier than. And I’ll hyperlink to some earlier podcasts within the present notes if you wish to perceive why I needed to create these habits.
However for the behavior of getting extra pure daylight within the morning, I hyperlink to the behavior of ingesting espresso. So I drink espresso exterior as a substitute of inside within the morning, to get the pure mild, which is nice for us, and which begins our circadian cycle, whereas combining with one thing that’s already a behavior. So, morning daylight, new behavior, combining with a behavior and one thing I like, which is espresso.
One other one I discussed a little bit bit was placing dietary supplements the place it’s worthwhile to use them, which are linked to issues that already habitually occur. So, as an example, I’ve dietary supplements on my nightstand, by my espresso stuff within the morning, on my rest room counter for proper after I brush my tooth within the morning. Even for my dad who all the time makes use of salt and pepper, I at one level taped some dietary supplements to salt and pepper shakers, and put them on the desk so he would see them when he really wanted to take them. I’ve additionally used issues like listening to an audiobook or a podcast, which is one thing I take pleasure in that’s already a behavior, however solely on the gymnasium, which was a brand new behavior on the time that I used to be making an attempt to create.
For making an attempt to sleep extra, you might strive switching lights at house to sundown mode with no blue mild and low lights like lamps, and ingesting calming tea whereas studying or doing one thing ideally not on screens. I needed to start out doing lymphatic drainage, each on my face and as a therapeutic massage. And also you need pores and skin that’s not dry for that. So I linked that to once I’m within the bathe, which is already a behavior, in fact, then I might do gua sha and lymphatic drainage, and I put the instruments for that within the bathe so I might keep in mind.
One other one you are able to do with the bathe is oil pulling, in case you’re making an attempt to combine the behavior of oil pulling, which might be actually good on your tooth and gums. Put the oil pulling oil within the bathe so that you see it and might do it when you’re in there. Most individuals aren’t speaking lots within the bathe anyway, so it’s a good time to try this. One other one associated to mild could be to make it a behavior to eat lunch exterior. So, lunch is a standard conduct, getting noon solar is a brand new conduct you need to implement. Simply make it a behavior to eat lunch exterior. If it’s worthwhile to drink extra water within the morning, it is a behavior I built-in years in the past. I maintain a quart measurement mason jar of water, and now I add just a few drops of electrolytes and silica, subsequent to my rest room sink. So once I get up, which is one thing I do day by day, in truth most likely my most constant day by day behavior so far, and I brush my tooth, I instantly drink the glass of water, earlier than I bathe, earlier than I eat something, and definitely earlier than I’ve espresso. I additionally put a ebook on my pillow once I make my mattress within the morning, which triggers me to recollect to learn at night time.
One other one which was straightforward, I began conserving a gallon insulated water bottle in my automobile. So anytime I’m driving, I keep in mind to drink water. And I’ll usually simply put it there at night time once I’m doing my nighttime routine, so it’s able to go the subsequent morning. I additionally built-in one thing to my behavior of constructing espresso within the morning, which is, once I make espresso, I write my three most vital job of the day, and three issues I’m grateful for in my pocket book that I carry on my espresso bar, so it jogs my memory to do it. Additionally associated to that, earlier than I am going to mattress, I jot down my to do record gadgets or something taking on psychological power on a notepad by my mattress, in order that I’m not occupied with these items, and I’m not stored up at night time making an attempt to recollect them. And the set off for that’s conserving the observe pad on my nightstand. One other behavior I carried out is once I sit right down to work at my laptop, then I set a timer for 90 minutes. And if I haven’t taken a break by then, that’s my motion and hydration break.
And likewise within the observe to only placing issues in the way in which of present habits, issues like conserving Graston instruments within the sauna. So sauna is an present behavior for me, placing these instruments in there jogs my memory to make use of them for lymphatic drainage whereas I’m within the sauna. And for train, figuring out with a pal who you’re already spending time with, there’s the behavior of spending time with a pal, figuring out the brand new behavior, you’re linking that. There are limitless examples, I may go into much more. However I believe additionally having written down within the identify of the implementation intention, writing these down is useful, as a result of the mind does appear to recollect and implement them extra if we write them down. And likewise simply having some easy tips and rules in thoughts may also actually assist, together with some that stack a fascinating behavior earlier than a pleasurable one.
So, an instance could be sky earlier than screens within the morning. And credit score to podcast visitor Amy Shah for placing that so concisely. However sky earlier than screens, pure daylight earlier than screens within the morning. One other one I do is protein earlier than espresso, which additionally there’s some proof that delaying espresso 60 to 90 minutes after waking up actually helps the adenosine pathways. So, there’s a profit there to not having the afternoon hunch. Having water the place I brush my tooth. Strolling after meals is a superb one. After which additionally only a tactical tip, conserving a executed record the place you write issues down after you do them can typically be extra productive than conserving a to do record, as a result of it feels good to see that record develop all through the day. Or you should use Notion in your cellphone, which is what I do for lots of my record conserving.
So I’ve talked about just a few habits you may stack, some new habits price contemplating. I do know this time of 12 months, many individuals try to combine new habits. If you happen to aren’t already, perhaps some to think about could be issues like morning daylight, or cooking extra at house, including extra motion in some type. Some easy meals substitutes or simply including in additional protein versus a deprivation focus with meals. A humorous private behavior I’m making an attempt to type personally is to hold up my garments extra rapidly. That is one thing I’m, regardless of being very organized in lots of areas of my life, I’m traditionally horrible at doing. And I are likely to batch them like I do quite a lot of different issues. However I like when my closet is all the time actually tidy. So I’m making an attempt to tie that behavior to getting dressed, which is one thing I do anyway. And I transitioned to the place all of my garments dwell in my closet, none are in my room. And so now I’ve a, once I dress, then I be sure the closet is tidy.
There are limitless examples. I might love to listen to how you’ll implement behavior stacking or how you have got if you have already got. Or any ideas you have got for creating new habits and getting them to stay. However I’ll go away you right now with the phrases of Aristotle. “We’re what we repeatedly do. So excellence then just isn’t an act, however a behavior.”
And as all the time, thanks guys a lot for listening and for taking the time right now. I might love to listen to what you consider these new shorter episodes, which aren’t changing our present episodes, however along with. All of the hyperlinks to the applications, books, and issues I’ve talked about, are within the present notes at So you could find these there. I’d love to listen to from you within the present notes as properly. And as all the time, I’m so grateful that you’re sharing your most useful assets with me right now, your time, your power, and your consideration. So grateful you’re right here. Thanks for listening. And I hope that you’ll be part of me once more on the subsequent episode of the Wellness Mama Podcast.
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