34 Scriptures on Hearing God’s Voice 


God speaks to us by His Phrase, however how do you actually hear what He says? Learn to hear and hearken to God’s voice.

We serve a God who’s private and relational. Similar to in any relationship communication is a crucial side by which we get to know one another, and the way we stay related. We converse to God by prayer, and although He can converse to us in numerous methods, the first means God speaks to us right now is thru the Bible, His Holy Phrase. 

If you really feel as if you haven’t “heard from God,” open His Phrase. The Phrase is described in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, saying, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is helpful for educating, rebuking, correcting and coaching in righteousness, in order that the servant of God could also be totally outfitted for each good work.”

Which means that God is talking by His Phrase, it’s the recorded phrases of God. How fantastic is it that we’ve got entry to His Phrase, and typically even in many various translations and types. 

These scriptures about listening to God’s voice present how God has revealed Himself in historical past, and continues to talk to us right now.

34 Scriptures on Listening to God’s Voice 

Black Bible with Black Large Headphones Around It

1. Romans 10:17 – Religion Comes By Listening to the Message Of God’s Phrase 

Consequently, religion comes from listening to the message, and the message is heard by the phrase about Christ.

2. John 10:27 – My Sheep Take heed to My Voice 

My sheep hearken to my voice; I do know them, and so they observe me.

3. Hebrews 3:15 – If You Hear His Voice Do Not Harden Your Hearts 

As has simply been mentioned: “At this time, if you happen to hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts as you probably did within the revolt.”

4. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – All Scripture Is God-Breathed 

All Scripture is God-breathed and is helpful for educating, rebuking, correcting and coaching in righteousness, in order that the servant of God could also be totally outfitted for each good work.

5. Hebrews 1:1-2. – In these Final Days He Has Spoken To Us By His Son

Prior to now God spoke to our ancestors by the prophets at many instances and in varied methods, however in these final days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed inheritor of all issues, and thru whom additionally he made the universe.

6. Job 33:14 – God Does Converse 

For God does converse — now a method, now one other — although nobody perceives it.

7. John 8:47 – Whoever Belongs To God Hears What He Says 

Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The rationale you don’t hear is that you don’t belong to God.

8. 1 Peter 3:12 – His Ears Are Attentive To The Prayer Of the Righteous

For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, however the face of the Lord is towards those that do evil.

9. Isaiah 30:21 – You Will Hear A Voice Behind You

Whether or not you flip to the proper or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “That is the way in which; stroll in it.”

10. Deuteronomy 4:12 – The Lord Spoke Out Of the Fireplace 

Then the Lord spoke to you out of the fireplace. You heard the sound of phrases however noticed no kind; there was solely a voice.

11. Revelation 3:22 – Hear What the Spirit Says To the Church buildings 

Whoever has ears, allow them to hear what the Spirit says to the church buildings.

12. Psalm 85:8 – Pay attention To What God the Lord Says 

I’ll hearken to what God the Lord says; he guarantees peace to his folks, his trustworthy servants — however allow them to not flip to folly.

13. Hebrews 4:7 – If You Hear His Voice Do Not Harden Your Coronary heart

God once more set a sure day, calling it “At this time.” This he did when a very long time later he spoke by David, as within the passage already quoted: “At this time, if you happen to hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts.”

14. John 5:30 – I Decide Solely As I Hear 

On my own I can do nothing; I decide solely as I hear, and my judgment is simply, for I search to not please myself however him who despatched me.

15. Luke 11:28 – Blessed Are These Who Hear the Phrase of God and Obey It 

He replied, “Blessed reasonably are those that hear the phrase of God and obey it.”

16. Revelation 3:20 – If Anybody Hears His Voice and Opens the Door

Right here I’m! I stand on the door and knock. If anybody hears my voice and opens the door, I’ll are available in and eat with that individual, and so they with me.

17. Psalm 29:3 – The Voice Of The Lord Is Over the Waters 

The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters.

18. John 10:2-4 – The Sheep Pay attention To His Voice

The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep hearken to his voice. 

He calls his personal sheep by title and leads them out. When he has introduced out all his personal, he goes on forward of them, and his sheep observe him as a result of they know his voice.

19. Psalm 5:3 – You Hear My Voice Within the Morning 

Within the morning, Lord, you hear my voice within the morning I lay my requests earlier than you and wait expectantly.

20. John 9:31 – He Listens To the Godly Particular person Who Does His Will

We all know that God doesn’t hearken to sinners. He listens to the godly one that does his will.

21. Isaiah 55:11 – His Phrase Does Not Return To Him Empty 

So is my phrase that goes out from my mouth: It is not going to return to me empty, however will accomplish what I want and obtain the aim for which I despatched it.

22. Jeremiah 33:3 – I Will Reply You and Inform You Nice Issues 

Name to me and I’ll reply you and let you know nice and unsearchable stuff you have no idea.

23. Isaiah 41:13 – He Says To You, Do Not Concern; I Will Assist You

For I’m the Lord your God who takes maintain of your proper hand and says to you, Don’t worry; I’ll enable you.

24. Deuteronomy 13:4 – Maintain His Instructions and Obey Him

It’s the Lord your God you have to observe, and him you have to revere. Maintain his instructions and obey him; serve him and maintain quick to him.

25. Genesis 3:8 – They Heard the Sound of the Lord God 

Then the person and his spouse heard the sound of the Lord God as he was strolling within the backyard within the cool of the day, and so they hid from the Lord God among the many timber of the backyard.

26. Deuteronomy 28:1-2 – Fastidiously Observe All His Instructions 

 In the event you absolutely obey the Lord your God and thoroughly observe all his instructions I provide you with right now, the Lord your God will set you excessive above all of the nations on earth. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you happen to obey the Lord your God.

27. James 1:22 – Do Not Merely Pay attention To the Phrase 

Don’t merely hearken to the phrase, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

28. Matthew 4:4 – Man Shall Reside On Each Phrase That Comes From the Mouth of God 

Jesus answered, “It’s written: ‘Man shall not dwell on bread alone, however on each phrase that comes from the mouth of God.’

29. Hebrews 4:2 – The Good Information Proclaimed To Us 

For we even have had the excellent news proclaimed to us, simply as they did; however the message they heard was of no worth to them, as a result of they didn’t share the religion of those that obeyed.

30. Matthew 7:24 – Hear His Phrases And Put Them Into Apply 

Due to this fact everybody who hears these phrases of mine and places them into follow is sort of a clever man who constructed his home on the rock.

31. John 14:26 – The Holy Spirit Will Remind You Of Every thing Jesus Has Mentioned 

However the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will ship in my title, will train you all issues and can remind you of every little thing I’ve mentioned to you.

32. Luke 8:21 – Hearers and Doers Of the Phrase 

He replied, “My mom and brothers are those that hear God’s phrase and put it into follow.”

33. Deuteronomy 5:27 – Pay attention To All That the Lord Our God Says

Go close to and hearken to all that the Lord our God says. Then inform us regardless of the Lord our God tells you. We are going to pay attention and obey.

34. Ezekiel 3:27 – This Is What the Sovereign Lord Says

However once I converse to you, I’ll open your mouth and also you shall say to them, ‘That is what the Sovereign Lord says.’ Whoever will pay attention allow them to pay attention, and whoever will refuse allow them to refuse; for they’re a rebellious folks.

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