How a Marmoset Saved Leonard and Virginia Woolf’s Lives from the Nazis – The Marginalian


Probably the most discomposing factor about individuals able to monstrous acts is that they too take pleasure in artwork, they too learn to their kids, they too will be moved to tears by music. The dissident poet Joseph Brodsky captured this as he contemplated the greatest antidote to evil, observing that “irrespective of how evil your enemy is, the essential factor is that he’s human.” Little Prince creator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry skilled it first-hand when a smile and a cigarette exchanged with an enemy saved his life whereas captive as a prisoner of warfare.

Within the spring of 1935, touring by Nazi-occupied Europe, Virginia Woolf and her Jewish husband Leonard got here nose to nose with this haunting paradox of human nature — an expertise each sinister and surprisingly hopeful.

Leonard and Virginia Woolf

After every week of savoring Rembrandts and Vermeers and nice climate in Holland, the Woolfs reached the German border. Forward of them, vans with swastikas had been passing by. They stopped. Leonard disappeared into the customs home. Virginia stayed within the automobile, attempting to learn D.H. Lawrence whereas shuddering on the passing minutes — it was taking for much longer than on the Dutch border. She busied herself writing in her diary:

Sitting within the solar outdoors the German Customs. A automobile with the swastika on the again window has simply handed by the barrier into Germany. L. is within the Customs. I’m nibbling at Aaron’s Rod. Ought I to go in and see what is going on? A nice dry windy morning. The Dutch Customs took 10 seconds. This has taken 10 minutes already. The home windows are barred.

Simply then, as Virginia watched a little bit boy open his bag on the barrier with a Heil Hitler salute, the German officer — a “grim man” — got here out and issued a jolly snicker upon seeing Mitz — the sickly pet marmoset the Woolfs had taken alongside on a whim, now perched on Leonard’s shoulder.

The Nazi, nonetheless laughing, allow them to by.

Virginia grew giddy with reduction, then instantly horrified by the grisly incongruity of evil and delight:

We develop into obsequious — delighted that’s when the officer smiles at Mitzi — the primary stoop in our again.

Marmoset. ({Photograph}: Carol M. Highsmith, 1946. Library of Congress.)

The Woolfs continued by Germany. In Cologne, they had been awed by the majestic Gothic cathedral. In Bonn, they made a pilgrimage to Beethoven’s childhood dwelling. However after they tried to cross the Rhine, they discovered themselves trapped in a Nazi procession alongside a avenue lined with armed Nazi officers and adorned with banners that learn THE JEW IS OUR ENEMY. Throughout them uniformed schoolchildren — lots of of them — had been singing and waving pink swastika flags.

Because the automobile crawled by the frenzied mob with the highest rolled down, Mitz as soon as once more turned their ticket to security.

In her unbelievable and charming e-book Mitz: The Marmoset of Bloomsbury (public library), Sigrid Nunez paints a vivid vignette:

Got here a person in black uniform, face very pink. He threw up his palms, he shook his fists, he lifted one knee after which the opposite and stamped his ft. He was a swastika himself, all angles, twisted, black and pink. He bore down on the automobile. Leonard felt for the letter in his pocket. Mitz, excited by the noise and the flags and now this amusing fellow, leapt onto the steering wheel and screeched. The person stopped in his tracks. Shock, then puzzlement, then tenderness confirmed in his face. “Ah — oh — ah!” he cried. He clapped his palms like a toddler. “Das liebe kleine Ding!”

It was as if the Woolfs had vanished. The storm trooper had eyes just for Mitz. He leaned into the automobile, and Leonard inhaled a combination of beer, onion, leather-based, pomade, and sweat. The person wagged a finger at Mitz, and Virginia closed her eyes and despatched up a prayer that Mitz wouldn’t chunk it. Chunk it she did, although — however this appeared solely to extend his delight. He burbled and cooed, providing wurst fingers to Mitz, one after the other. And what was the candy little creature’s title? When he heard it he laughed and repeated it a number of instances, slapping his thigh. He liked it — liked it! Finally he stepped again from the automobile, clicked his heels collectively, and raised his arm. “Heil Hitler!”

They had been let by. As they continued on, the scene was repeated time and again alongside the German roads. Leonard himself recounted in his autobiography:

After they noticed Mitz, the group shrieked with delight. Mile after mile I drove between the 2 traces of corybantic Germans, and the entire method they shouted “Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!” to Mitz and gave her (and secondarily Virginia and me) the Hitler salute with outstretched arm.

Shining a sidewise gleam on the paradoxes of human nature, he added wryly:

It was apparent to essentially the most anti-Semitic stormtrooper that nobody who had on his shoulder such a ‘expensive little factor’ may very well be a Jew.

Marmoset by George Edwards, 1758. (Out there as a print and as a face mask.)

Quickly, Virginia was writing to a buddy:

Did we inform you how the marmoset saved us from Hitler?

Rising from all of it is a chilling testomony to how arbitrary the issues are that humanize or dehumanize an individual, and the way banal — beautiful proof for what Hannah Arendt so memorably termed “the banality of evil.”

Rising is also the popularity that, for all of our foibles, all of our vulnerability to ideological manipulation, all of our capability for cruelty, it’s tenderness we most lengthy for, tenderness that’s our deepest nature.

The problem is the way to stay with the information that what steers us a technique or one other, towards terror or tenderness, will be the faintest and most random ripple within the floor of consciousness — only a “wave in the mind,” to borrow Virginia’s personal pretty phrase.

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