Q. The Avatamsaka Sutra says that when we wear clothes, we should let go of our attachment to them and reach the Pure Land. How can we reach the Pure Land when wearing clothes?


A. The truth is, we have now alternatives to achieve the Pure Land on a regular basis, moreover once we put on garments as a result of all our behaviours are the capabilities of the true-Self that’s Pure Land. Realising the truth that all our behaviours are the capabilities of the true-Self is enlightenment, which is known as reaching the Pure Land.

The rationale why we are able to’t attain the Pure Land is that we’re deluded by varieties and phrases. ‘After we put on garments, we should always let go of our attachment to them’ signifies that we should always see our garments as they’re with out being deluded by their varieties and names.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All pictures ©Simon Hathaway


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