Home Social Care Role of a Social Worker in Facilitating Change

Role of a Social Worker in Facilitating Change


The role of a social worker in facilitating change entails the gathering of particular person teams for the aim of reaching a standard aim which can embody neighborhood improvement and advocacy.

Durkheim (2002) asserts that the creation of occupational teams may help scale back oppressive administrative practices and unleash particular person passions on the similar time. Such social organisations may help give service customers a way of belonging and facilitate social interaction.

We will mirror the position of the Social Employee in facilitating social change with this viewpoint from Durkheim. It is because in facilitating social change, social employees might search mutual assist and collaboration within the society to assist people who’re deprived to achieve management over their very own lives (Payne, 2014).

Utilizing co-production may help produce a extra democratic tradition by giving people equal rights and enhancing their entry to alternatives within the society.

Practices corresponding to co-production may help social employees promote equality. Nevertheless, when tapping into service person expertise and experience, relationships are shaped and there ought to be respect inside this (Duncan & Miller, 2000).

SCIE (2016) highlights that the property service customers might have will not be monetary however a set of expertise or experience.

Co-producing companies ensures that service customers don’t grow to be customers of their very own companies and assist, however co-producers. Staudt et al., (2001) refutes the declare that strengths based mostly approaches are wholly efficient.

In his view, there isn’t a measure of the effectiveness of strengths based mostly approaches. However, Milner (2016) reached a distinct conclusion.

Milner highlights that using strengths based mostly approaches corresponding to Resolution-Centered Remedy exhibits that targets when measured in opposition to options are simply recognised and people are eager on working in the direction of a aim relatively than specializing in issues.

Anomie Durkheim

Durkheim (2002) additionally highlighted the idea of anomie. Durkheim established that industrialisation resulted within the division of labour within the society. This surge in development resulted within the emergence of anomie (Shortell, 2016).

Durkheim asserts that societal adjustments and notion may cause a disruption and chaos. With speedy social change, individuals might then expertise seclusion.

This ends in people dropping sight of their shared targets and changing into much less influenced by the group norms and values (Lukes, 2013). Nevertheless, with the lessening of the coercive affect of the social norms and values, there could possibly be the emergence of extreme individualism which Durkheim refers to as egoism.

With the emergence of egoism, social cohesion isn’t attainable the place there may be extreme individualism and self-centredness (Shortell, 2016).

However, Durkheim asserts that inserting low worth on individuals inside social teams might result in Altruism with might result in detrimental results corresponding to suicide (Jones, et al., 2011). Nevertheless, Durkheim asserts that ethical individualism may cause a social order.

Forms of social integration

social integration in social work

Durkheim (2002) highlighted that there are two fundamental sorts of social integration, specifically, mechanical and natural. The place there are shared beliefs and concepts, Durkheim refers to this as Mechanical. The place there may be integration due to specialisation and interdependence, he refers to this as natural integration (Shortell, 2016).

Durkheim (2002) asserts that there are complexities in natural societies, nevertheless, this doesn’t result in disintegration, but it surely results in social solidarity.

It is because elements within the society depend upon one another, creating interdependence and solidarity.

The Care Act 2014 echoed related views. It highlights the necessity for businesses to work collectively to advertise the wellbeing of service customers.

As an illustration, part 6 and seven of the Care Act stipulates a common obligation cooperation between the Native Authority and different related businesses with a task to play within the care and assist of a service person (Brammer, 2010).

durkheim division of labour

When businesses work collectively, it helps safeguard the service person. Nevertheless, failure in efficient multi-agency working might trigger fatality. As an illustration, a service person (Gemma Hayter) died following related businesses lacking alternatives to safeguard her (Group Care, 2016). As well as, there was a critical case evaluation because of failings in recognising abuse within the case of Winterbourne View.

Durkheim has clarified that when there may be short-term disruption to the social equilibrium, ethical and social breakdown can happen, nevertheless, this may be shortly corrected (Shortell, 2016).

Durkheim remarks that society is bonded by shared values and norms. When this breaks down, society ought to have enough technique of making certain that anti-social conduct is handled and conformity is re-established (Lukes, 2013).

When there’s a short-term breakdown in societal stability, it could trigger people being predisposed to issues corresponding to joblessness or poverty within the society (Heywood, 2012).

The issue-solving position of a Social Employee appears at methods of bettering the lives of service customers to assist re-establish equilibrium and get well their stability. Social Staff might use activity–centred observe to assist service customers obtain particular and achievable targets.

Division of labour in society

role of social worker in facilitating change

Durkheim’s assertions on anomie, division of labour and functionalism might assist social employees to contemplate the impression of circumstances which will have an affect on the rights, inclusion and social justice of people within the society.

It is because social employees are capable of empower service customers, they act as progressive mediators of change and assist enhance ranges of social inclusion (Payne, 2006).

This may be completed by encouraging and enabling people who find themselves excluded to participate in actions which will enhance their general wellbeing. As well as, Social Staff might assist service customers interact or re-engage with the labour market. Social employees help people within the society to regulate to adjustments by offering training, and supporting them to suit into standard society extra effectively (Cunningham & Cunningham, 2010).

Social employees can even assist enhance ranges of inequalities amongst people within the society by supporting them via the complexities of the profit system, counselling them of their rights and making certain that people are supplied with assist they’re entitled to (Jordan, 2010).

Whereas Durkheim’s work targeted on views which will assist reduce financial injustices and inequality, critiques corresponding to Cristi (2012), highlights that though Durkheim mentions the “particular person” in broad phrases, his strategy to common rights and order within the society is basically articulated around the male particular person.

In line with Cristi (2012), Durkheim excluded ladies from his imaginative and prescient of a simply society.

Earlier than you go

To conclude, this text has addressed the position of social employees in facilitating change in society.

Social employees might use social theories to assist facilitate change in society. Nevertheless, this can’t be utilized in isolation and it’s important that social employees make use of supervision, reflexivity, observe knowledge and social creativeness apart from social theories to assist promote social justice, equality and inclusion.

Reference record

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