The Diamond Sutra (3)


Thus did I hear. One time, the Buddha was staying in Jeta Grove in Sravasti, residing with 1,250 nice monks.


‘Hear’ right here means to listen to issues as they’re, or to listen to issues as empty. Put merely, that is to listen to issues with out attaching any phrases to them, which is known as listening to with out listening to, or listening to with out being deluded by phrases. Listening to on this method is listening to the Buddha. When you possibly can hear all the things on this method, you possibly can hear the Buddha wherever, anytime and may’t cease listening to the Buddha even for a second. Then, you, it’s mentioned, have reached the Pure Land. Upon getting reached there, you can’t escape from it.

Q: “How is it once we hear thus?”

A: “I can’t keep away from answering your query?”

Q: “Why can’t you keep away from answering my query?”

A: “As a result of nobody can deceive you.”

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway


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