Rifkin’s Final Statement on Cosmological Natural Selection


by Lawrence Rifkin

There have been many confident-sounding statements within the previous post about which I’d recommend a basic reader test in with mainstream professional pals and colleagues to weigh in on earlier than accepting. The particular suggestion that I made that pure choice can clarify high-information entities like life and thoughts with out negentropy is a whole mischaracterization of what was written and a straw man argument.

The causal clarification for why the legal guidelines of our universe are apparently exquisitely fine-tuned to permit for the formation of many billion trillions of stars (and life) can not, I consider, be defined away by “negentropy” alone. The causal clarification for growth of non-designed high-information entities just like the human thoughts can not, I submit, be defined away by thermodynamics alone. I consider naturalistic emergent explanations are wanted and basic to elucidate and perceive the event of those higher-level phenomena that quarks and power stream underlie and maintain.

The puzzle of scientifically explaining life on Earth pre-Darwin appears analogous to me right here. Pure choice defined the event of non-designed high-information entities, and at this level, we all know of no different course of that may clarify the event of higher-level high-information entities like cells, our bodies, and minds. One may say that power stream and negentropy clarify why you selected to learn this proper now, however wouldn’t one agree that higher-level basic explanatory explanations could be lacking? For the analogy to organic pure choice to carry, cosmological pure choice would require cumulative change by way of differential survival of variants.

I don’t intend to submit additional on this specific trade. For readers within the underlying risk of cosmological pure choice, I stand by my authentic publication in Scientific American Blogs and the hyperlinks to different writers listed on this trade. Physicist Lee Smolin popularized the concept of CNS in his guide “The Lifetime of the Cosmos,” wherein he additionally promoted his thought for a potential mechanism. For anybody keen on movies and writings I’ve carried out on the intersection of that means and science, my web site is lawrencerifkin.com. I thank Mr. Crawford for exciting my responses and for his writing skill, and John Messerly for creating this discussion board for reflection and understanding. I hope this trade stimulated thought, without having to “take sides.”

And now, I’m off to my very favourite little bit of negentropy, the high-information system, exquisitely fine-tuned entity, that I desire to think about because the love of my life.


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