Saturday 23rd and The Weekly Round Up


Due to everybody for feedback yesterday, sorry I did not get spherical to replying and thanks to Debbie at Rustic Pumpkin for extra info on the phrase Mabon

Will Mabon ever be a phrase on Wordle? which I did in 2 (CLOSE) on Tuesday, blimey! nicely satisfied! cannot keep in mind the remainder of the week however no fails.

 Low spend September continued………… though I spent out on bits for the Sink Pond = £9.50 – a marginal Water Geum, oxygenating plant within the water and water snails hopefully making this mini-pond extra welcoming to frogs and so forth..

I swam and went to the train group and acquired postage stamps, fruit, eggs and milk, and an inexpensive 2024 diary from The Works and that is was all the cash spent this week…..till the corporate who I am getting the couch and chair from rang to say it was in – a month sooner than anticipated. So I needed to pay the opposite half and that was the tip of low spend September! Supply is subsequent week. 

Consuming from freezer and backyard actually does continues

Sunday – Courgette Crumble with the final of the runner beans

Monday – Thai Purple Fish Curry – house made-  from freezer with rice.

Tuesday – Quorn Bolognese sauce – house made- from freezer with spaghetti

Wednesday – Fish Fingers, sweetcorn cobs and fried tomatoes

Thursday – Leek and Bacon Pilaff….once more.. nonetheless loads of leeks

Friday – Courgette (only a few and small now) and pesto pasta.

At present – Omelette and tomatoes

I really discovered some  free meals – such a uncommon prevalence round right here. Half a dozen good large cooking apples from a field labelled ‘Assist Your self ‘ on my manner house final Saturday. They have been peeled, sliced and added to the freezer for winter fruit.

Throughout the remainder of the week I bought lemon marmalade made – from a tin of ready lemons. I left it plain this time as a substitute of including in a tin of grapefruit. Two jars for the Christmas Hampers and 4 for me. Additionally baked a cake for the week, did a bit extra backyard clearing and fished out a partly executed cross sew equipment to complete for slightly reward.

Have a superb weekend

I will be again Monday with the Library Ebook Photograph.



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