Eating Disorder Treatment: What Social Workers Need to Know


by Mary Anne Cohen, LCSW, BCD

     For many individuals, trusting meals is safer than trusting folks. For a lot of, loving meals is safer than loving folks. Meals by no means leaves you, by no means rejects you, by no means abuses you, by no means dies. It’s the solely relationship the place we get to say when, the place, and the way a lot. No different relationship complies with our wants so completely!

     Each individual’s consuming drawback is as distinctive as a fingerprint, and so one dimension remedy does not match all. The objective is for the clinician to co-create an individualized and complete remedy method in collaboration with our purchasers that can assist them break the chains of emotional consuming and physique picture misery.

     Social work clinicians more and more see purchasers with consuming problems of their companies or their personal practices. Generally, the shopper particularly seeks assist with binge consuming, bulimia, anorexia, persistent weight-reduction plan, or physique picture struggles. Different instances, purchasers don’t focus on their consuming issues till remedy is effectively below means, and the individual has come to belief the therapist with the shameful “confession” of getting an consuming wrestle. And, typically, consuming problems usually are not full blown however “subclinical,” and purchasers haven’t totally realized the influence of their consuming dysfunction behaviors on their shallowness.

     On condition that no less than 30 million folks of all ages and genders in the USA are recognized with an consuming dysfunction sooner or later of their lives and on condition that scientific social employees are one of many nation’s largest suppliers of psychological well being companies, social employees want to concentrate on the most recent diagnostic and remedy data on consuming problems.

What We Know for Certain: The Excellent Storm

     An ideal storm for the event of an consuming dysfunction consists of six interrelated components. Figuring out and understanding how these components specific themselves uniquely in every shopper will assist us create efficient interventions.

1. Media and social stress 

     Our tradition fosters the relentless pursuit of thinness. Via promoting, social media, and the media’s protection of vogue fashions and celebrities, we get the message that younger, skinny, and white is the best picture. Many different cultures additionally outline success in line with weight and look. A poignant and heartbreaking documentary, The Illusionists, notes that ladies in Africa and Asia spend huge quantities of cash on skin-lightening merchandise with typically detrimental results to their well being. In America and Western Europe, alternatively, Caucasians are invested in tanning sprays and tanning salons, which can also negatively influence their well being. Some folks even turn into obsessive about tanning, giving rise to the label “tanorexia.” The media breeds inside us perpetual dissatisfaction. If you’re a girl of colour, you need lighter pores and skin. Should you’re a white girl, you need darker pores and skin. We are able to by no means get it proper!

         The poet William Butler Yeats wrote:

To be born girl is to know

Though they don’t discuss of it at college

That we should labor to be lovely.

            And labor and angst we do! And males do too!

2. Genetic predisposition

     Consuming problems are organic in addition to psychological diseases. To this point, scientists have recognized greater than 400 completely different genes which can be implicated in chubby or weight problems, though solely a handful look like main gamers. Genes contribute to weight by affecting urge for food, satiety, metabolism, meals cravings, body-fat distribution, and even the tendency to make use of consuming as a means to deal with stress.

     A household historical past of hysteria, melancholy, and addictions can predispose an individual to consuming problems. Therapists within the subject of addictions have utilized the metaphor of a gun to explain the multi-faceted causes that folks flip to medication and alcohol. That is relevant as effectively for instance the event of consuming problems.

     Sandra, a 19-year-old with bulimia, got here from a household the place her father was a binge eater and had an alcohol use dysfunction. This genetic background predisposed Sandra to an addictive relationship with meals, and so the threatening “gun” was created. The gun was loaded when Sandra was 15. Her dad and mom divorced, and her dad remarried and moved to a different state. She began turning to overeating for consolation and companionship. It was solely after she left residence to go to an out-of-town school that her sense of isolation, nervousness, and melancholy mounted. This emotional upheaval triggered the gun. Sandra started to binge and purge and developed a full-blown consuming dysfunction.

     For Sandra, an empathic and nurturing relationship together with her therapist helped to melt and avert the influence of that “bullet.”

3. A traumatic life occasion

     Bodily or sexual abuse, the early lack of a guardian, or different traumatic occasions set the stage for folks growing an consuming dysfunction as a coping mechanism for ache and a option to dissociate from their anguish. When the boundaries of a kid are violated by means of abuse, a baby concludes that adults can’t be trusted. The kid learns that trusting meals is safer than trusting folks.

     When Dave was 9 years outdated, his beloved uncle sexually abused him and directed Dave to not inform anybody as a result of he wouldn’t be believed. Dave started having insomnia and turned to overeating to quell his nervousness and confusion. Though he continued to be a superb pupil, his insides have been in turmoil, solely relieved by the “candy” consolation of meals. This coping mechanism continued by means of maturity till his work in remedy helped him grieve the losses he suffered on account of the abuse. Then, he was capable of finding different methods of self-soothing past the meals.

4. An obsessive compulsive character

     Folks with obsessive compulsive dysfunction (OCD) are pushed to perfection. OCD is a organic sickness, and social work clinicians see this particularly in anorexics, compulsive exercisers, and orthorexics who attempt to eat solely “clear” meals. However no quantity of train, weight reduction, or “clear” consuming is ever ok to quell the nervousness of the individual with OCD who can by no means get it excellent sufficient. Remedy and medicine will help dial down the unrelenting quest for that elusive perfection.

     Ashley got here from a household dedicated to sports activities. The kids have been pushed to decide on a sport and commit their free time to working towards and staying lean and muscular. Ashley developed bulimia in school when she was drawn to inventive writing and needed to go away her lifetime of sports activities behind. Her household’s disapproval locked her right into a cycle of guilt, overeating, undereating, and purging till she went to remedy to type out this battle.

5. Weight reduction diets

     Diets have been referred to as the “gateway” to consuming problems. When folks expertise emotional misery, they typically flip to the “resolution” of weight-reduction plan to make themselves really feel higher and extra in management. Though diets initially can result in weight reduction, they invariably arrange cravings and riot after which break-out bingeing. The restriction of weight-reduction plan will finally result in overeating, which can result in purging after which even stricter weight-reduction plan. A vicious cycle is created, and other people discover themselves trapped in a lifetime of persistent weight-reduction plan and bingeing.

6. Household attachment and communication issues

     The seeds of consuming problems often start in childhood. From the very first second of our lives, a connection exists between consuming and deep feelings. The important feelings of belief, dependency, safety, generosity, and the acceptability of our wants start at start within the feeding expertise with our dad and mom. Love has its origins within the satisfying feeling of being well-nourished.

     How we feed ourselves, how we handle ourselves, how we are likely to our personal wants relies on these early patterns of how our dad and mom cared or didn’t look after us as youngsters. After we are taught that our wants and our hungers are acceptable and authorized of, we, in flip, be taught to look after our wants and our hungers in loving and self-protective methods. With that safe basis, we don’t must resort to consuming problems to fortify ourselves. This capability to appease one’s self will be the key ingredient in stopping an consuming dysfunction!

     However once we are shamed, uncared for, or made to really feel insufficient, we come to deal with ourselves in an identical method. Consuming problems are attachment problems. When early attachments fail to nourish, dependancy to meals or substances turns into an try and restore the harm self — to supply consolation, comfort, and to refill the vacuum inside. Emotional consuming takes the sting off nervousness and is less complicated to regulate than the uncertainty of human connection.

     Growing wholesome attachments by means of friendships, love relationships, help teams, and psychotherapy offers good drugs for the physique, coronary heart, and soul! The liberty to stay a life unburdened by obsessive ideas about weight and dimension and compulsive behaviors about meals and consuming is an amazing reduction, liberating the individual to embrace life with extra curiosity, zest, ardour, creativeness, and love. The function of the social work clinician is to assist folks sink their tooth into life, not into their relationship with meals.

Mary Anne Cohen, LCSW, BCD, is Director of The New York Middle for Consuming Problems and creator of French Toast for Breakfast: Declaring Peace with Emotional Consuming and Lasagna for Lunch: Declaring Peace with Emotional Consuming. Her newest e book, revealed by NASW Press (2020), is titled Treating the Consuming Dysfunction Self: An Built-in Complete Method for the Social Work Clinician. For extra data, go to www.EmotionalEating.Org.


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