Josiah Osgood on Caesar and Cato’s Epic Rivalry (Episode 82)


Have you considered the Roman Republic right this moment?

On this dialog, Caleb speaks with Josiah Osgood, a professor of classics and writer of Uncommon Wrath:  How Caesar and Cato’s Deadly Rivalry Destroyed the Roman Republic. They focus on Cato the Youthful, Julius Caesar, and the teachings we are able to take from each males.

(02:21) Cato’s Rome

(07:30) The Younger Caesar and Cato

(14:21) Populist vs Aristocrat

(16:05) When Did He Turn into Stoic?

(18:30) Cato vs Caesar

(25:11) Caesar’s Life Philosophy

(29:49) Did Cato Do the Proper Factor?

(37:03) What Can We Be taught From Caesar

(41:49) Was the Republic Price Saving?

(44:56) Ought to Stoics All the time Resist a Tyrant?

(50:59) Fabius Maximus – a Roman Mannequin

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Because of Michael Levy for graciously letting us use his music within the conversations.


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