October Days | Life At Cobble Hill Farm



This week has been a shock.  Temps within the 80’s has meant we have had a final style of summer season.  I labored on placing a lot of my backyard to mattress.  Some years I simply run out of time and overlook about it till the snow begins to thaw in spring and divulges the reality – my lack of fall clean-up.  I used to be capable of full all however the lively beds.  We’re blessed to have kale, arugula, lettuce, basil, cilantro, dill, oregano, sage, chives, inexperienced beans, beets, eggplant, and peppers nonetheless producing, even if they have been severely uncared for.  

The final of our fruit has been harvested and now I work to protect it.  The asian pear tree was LOADED this 12 months.  We have been consuming what seems like our weight in recent fruit and now I’ll slice and freeze what stays.  And what stays is so much.  Final 12 months or the 12 months earlier than I made apple galettes with them and that turned out to be scrumptious.  Final 12 months I additionally ready and froze 6 gallon-sized baggage of apple pie filling with apples from a neighborhood orchard.  So, this 12 months I’m placing up our asian pears in the identical method.  They are going to make many delectable homegrown treats this winter.

The coop ladies love fall clean-up.  They imagine that the whole lot I choose and pull within the backyard is for them.  They chirp and trill whereas patiently ready on the opposite aspect of the backyard fence supervising my each transfer.  I toss them bits that aren’t salvageable.  The pears they have been gifted this week have been a favourite, inflicting fairly the stir.  Their tuneful noises are stuffed with pleasure and approval.  They have not but been unleashed into the backyard as they’ll ignore the backyard guidelines: no consuming or scratching of manufacturing herbs and veggies.  So, they’re compelled to attend just a bit bit longer.

Days have been stuffed with sunshine, a rise in humidity, an virtually fixed melodious birdsong coupled with the sound of chipmunks and squirrels scattering over crackling leaves as they proceed to stockpile, and the slight odor of fall.  Simply sufficient to remind you that the season actually is right here, regardless of what the thermometer says. 

Mornings have remained cool which suggests beginning my day with a cup of sizzling espresso and a great e book is absolutely appreciated and loved.

“I am so glad I stay in a world the place there are Octobers.” – L.M. Montgomery (Anne Of Inexperienced Gables)

I am hoping you’ll be able to additionally benefit from the sights, sounds, and smells of the season my buddy.


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