All of them are impostors (2) – Zen Fools


At some point a younger monk visited a grasp. He had already met many different well-known masters earlier than. The grasp requested him, “What number of masters did you meet earlier than you got here right here?” The younger monk listed the names of the ten masters who he had met beforehand. The grasp stated,” All of them are impostors.” The monk requested, “How are you aware that they had been impostors in the event you didn’t see them?” The grasp replied, “Because of you.”

Pupil: “Why did the grasp consult with the opposite masters the younger monk had met as imposters?”

Grasp: “As a result of the younger monk solely noticed the imposters.”

Pupil: “Who had been the ten masters he had met?”

Grasp: “The grasp was displaying them to the younger monk.”


Don’t be beguiled by the imposters disguised because the Buddha.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway


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