Loneliness & Academic Life – Daily Nous


The Philosophers’ Cocoon has had a pair of posts on loneliness within the academy not too long ago.

[Henri Matisse, “…Alone, at the Foot of the Great Locust Tree”]

In one of them, an assistant professor describes their “surprising” loneliness and asks if others “have type of been shocked by how a lot much less of a social community we have now than different associates and non-academics at related profession levels.” The writer additionally identifies a number of the sources of educational loneliness.

That was adopted by a second post soliciting recommendation for lecturers coping with loneliness.

I’d encourage readers to go over to The Cocoon to test these out and contribute to the discussions there. Dialogue is welcome right here, too. If there are philosophy-specific causes of loneliness, or assets particularly for philosophers grappling with loneliness, that might be helpful to listen to about, along with remarks on educational loneliness extra usually, or loneliness on the whole within the early twenty first Century.



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