31 Motivational Bible Verses


Learn these motivational Bible verses in the event you’re feeling caught, overwhelmed, drained, or not sure of your subsequent steps to get motivation from God’s Phrase.

Each one in all us is vulnerable to getting discouraged, drained, and crushed down occasionally. The circumstances of life can generally make us really feel caught, unmotivated, and feeling like we lack the encouragement to hold on. 

Should you’re discovering your self in that place at this time, the excellent news is that God’s Phrase gives us with the energy and encouragement that we have to maintain going

Whether or not you want steering for the subsequent steps, energy to endure a tricky state of affairs, or peace within the midst of overwhelming circumstances, these motivational Bible verses are a terrific reminder and encouragement in these moments. 

31 Motivational Bible Verses

Chalkboard with writing that says

1. Proverbs 3:5-6 – Acknowledge Him And He Will Make Your Path Straight 

Belief within the Lord with all of your coronary heart and lean not by yourself understanding;  in all of your methods undergo him, and he’ll make your paths straight.

2. Deuteronomy 31:6 – The Lord Your God Goes With You 

Be robust and brave. Don’t be afraid or terrified due to them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he won’t ever go away you nor forsake you.

3. Isaiah 40:31 – These Who Hope In Him Will Renew Their Energy 

However those that hope within the Lord will renew their energy. They’ll soar on wings like eagles; they are going to run and never develop weary, they are going to stroll and never be faint.

4. Matthew 19:26 – With God All Issues Are Attainable 

Jesus checked out them and stated, “With man that is inconceivable, however with God all issues are attainable.”

5. Psalm 37:23-25 – The Lord Establishes Our Steps

The Lord makes agency the steps of the one who delights in him; although he might stumble, he won’t fall, for the Lord upholds him along with his hand. I used to be younger and now I’m outdated, but I’ve by no means seen the righteous forsaken or their youngsters begging for bread.

6. Colossians 3:15 – Let The Peace Of Christ Rule In Your Coronary heart 

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of 1 physique you have been known as to peace. And be grateful.

7. Jeremiah 29:11 – He Is aware of The Plans He Has For You

For I do know the plans I’ve for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and to not hurt you, plans to provide you hope and a future.

8. Matthew 28:19-20 – He Is With You At all times To The Finish Of The Age 

Subsequently go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them within the title of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and instructing them to obey the whole lot I’ve commanded you. And absolutely I’m with you all the time, to the very finish of the age.

9. John 16:33 – He Has Overcome The World

“I’ve informed you this stuff, in order that in me you’ll have peace. On this world you’ll have hassle. However take coronary heart! I’ve overcome the world.”

10. Psalm 46:10 – Be Nonetheless And Know That He Is God

He says, “Be nonetheless, and know that I’m God; I shall be exalted among the many nations, I shall be exalted within the earth.”

11. John 15:5-7 – Whoever Abides In Him Bears A lot Fruit

I’m the vine; you’re the branches. Should you stay in me and I in you, you’ll bear a lot fruit; other than me you are able to do nothing. 

 If you don’t stay in me, you’re like a department that’s thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the hearth and burned. Should you stay in me and my phrases stay in you, ask no matter you want, and it is going to be carried out for you.

12. Proverbs 3:5-6 – Belief In The Lord With All Your Coronary heart 

Belief within the Lord with all of your coronary heart and lean not by yourself understanding; in all of your methods undergo him, and he’ll make your paths straight.

13. Psalm 118:14-16 – The Lord Is My Energy And My Protection 

The Lord is my energy and my protection; he has grow to be my salvation. Shouts of pleasure and victory resound within the tents of the righteous: “The Lord’s proper hand has carried out mighty issues! The Lord’s proper hand is lifted excessive; the Lord’s proper hand has carried out mighty issues!”

14. Exodus 14:14 – The Lord Will Struggle For You

The Lord will struggle for you; you want solely to be nonetheless.

15. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 – So We Do Not Lose Coronary heart

Subsequently we don’t lose coronary heart. Although outwardly we’re losing away, but inwardly we’re being renewed day-to-day.  For our mild and momentary troubles are reaching for us an everlasting glory that far outweighs all of them.  

So we repair our eyes not on what’s seen, however on what’s unseen, since what’s seen is short-term, however what’s unseen is everlasting.

Extra Bible Verses To Use For Motivation

16. Romans 5:3-5 – We Rejoice In Our Sufferings 

Not solely so, however we additionally glory in our sufferings, as a result of we all know that struggling produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope doesn’t put us to shame, as a result of God’s love has been poured out into our hearts by way of the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

17. John 14:27 – Peace He Leaves With You 

Peace I go away with you; my peace I provide you with. I don’t give to you because the world offers. Don’t let your hearts worry and don’t be afraid.

18. Matthew 6:33 – Search First His Kingdom 

However search first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all this stuff shall be given to you as nicely.

19. 2 Chronicles 15:7 – Be Robust And Don’t Give Up

However as for you, be robust and don’t hand over, on your work shall be rewarded.

20. Psalm 27:1 – He Is The Stronghold Of My Life 

The Lord is my mild and my salvation — whom shall I concern? The Lord is the stronghold of my life — of whom shall I be afraid?

21. Psalm 118:6 – The Lord Is With You 

The Lord is with me; I can’t be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?

22. Romans 8:38-39 – Nothing Can Separate Us From God’s Love 

For I’m satisfied that neither dying nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the current nor the longer term, nor any powers, neither top nor depth, nor the rest in all creation, will be capable of separate us from the love of God that’s in Christ Jesus our Lord.

23. Matthew 5:11-12 – Your Reward Is Nice In Heaven

Blessed are you when folks insult you, persecute you and falsely say all types of evil in opposition to you due to me. Rejoice and be glad, as a result of nice is your reward in heaven, for in the identical manner they persecuted the prophets who have been earlier than you.

24. Psalm 31:24 – Let Your Coronary heart Take Braveness 

Be robust and take coronary heart, all you who hope within the Lord.

25. Isaiah 41:10 – He Will Strengthen You And Assist You 

So don’t concern, for I’m with you; don’t be dismayed, for I’m your God. I’ll strengthen you and assist you; I’ll uphold you with my righteous proper hand.

26. Lamentations 3:22-23 – His Mercies Are New Each Morning 

Due to the Lord’s nice love we aren’t consumed, for his compassions by no means fail. They’re new each morning; nice is your faithfulness.

27. Romans 8:31 – If God Is For Us Who Can Be Towards Us

What, then, let’s assume in response to those issues? If God is for us, who might be in opposition to us?

28. Romans 15:13 – Could The God Of Hope Fill You With All Pleasure And Peace 

Could the God of hope fill you with all pleasure and peace as you belief in him, so that you could be overflow with hope by the ability of the Holy Spirit.

29. 1 Corinthians 10:13 – God Will Not Let You Be Tempted Past What You Can Bear 

No temptation has overtaken you besides what’s frequent to mankind. And God is devoted; he won’t allow you to be tempted past what you possibly can bear. However if you find yourself tempted, he will even present a manner out so as to endure it.

30. Ephesians 3:20 – He’s In a position To Do Immeasurably Extra

Now to him who is ready to do immeasurably greater than all we ask or think about, in response to his energy that’s at work inside us.

31. Ephesians 6:10-18 – Be Robust In The Lord And In His Energy 

Lastly, be robust within the Lord and in his mighty energy. Placed on the complete armor of God, so as to take your stand in opposition to the satan’s schemes. 

For our battle is just not in opposition to flesh and blood, however in opposition to the rulers, in opposition to the authorities, in opposition to the powers of this darkish world and in opposition to the non secular forces of evil within the heavenly realms. 

Subsequently placed on the complete armor of God, in order that when the day of evil comes, you might be able to stand your floor, and after you will have carried out the whole lot, to face. 

Stand agency then, with the belt of fact buckled round your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and along with your toes fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 

Along with all this, take up the protect of religion, with which you’ll extinguish all of the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the phrase of God.

And pray within the Spirit on all events with all types of prayers and requests. With this in thoughts, be alert and all the time carry on praying for all of the Lord’s folks.

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