Nasturtium Infused Vinegar – Simple Living. Creative Learning


Nasturtiums are pretty, easy-to-grow edible flowers. With their vibrant colors and beautiful peppery flavour, the nasturtium flowers make a beautiful nasturtium infused vinegar that can be utilized in quite a lot of dishes.


Nasturtium Infused Vinegar

Each the leaves and the flowers of nasturtiums are edible with a beautiful peppery style, they are often eaten uncooked in salads, pestos and plenty of different dishes. For this nasturtium infused vinegar recipe, you need to use each the leaves and flowers, or simply the flowers. 

For this recipe, I used white wine vinegar because it helps carry out the color higher. Primary white vinegar may also be used, although it’s possible you’ll discover it just a little extra acidic in flavour. You should utilize apple cider vinegar, although the colors is not going to be as vibrant, extra yellow-ish in color.

Flowers or Leaves?

When making this vinegar, I used primarily flowers, although the leaves may also be added to the combination.

The leaves will add no color to the vinegar, although they’ll add a peppery flavour with a contact of earthiness.

The flowers add the colors, with the peppery flavour, although no earthiness.

Utilizing a mix of each leaves and flowers, offers you a mixture of the flavour and color. The color will probably be barely decrease, relying on the ratio of flowers which have been added to the vinegar.

Making Nasturtium Infused Vinegar

To make this vinegar, you’ll need:

  • contemporary nasturtium flowers
  • white wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar or white vinegar

Gently shake the freshly picked nasturtium flowers to verify there aren’t any bugs hiding within the leaves.

Place the flowers right into a glass jar.

Fully cowl the flowers along with your chosen vinegar. You could discover that the flowers float. You should utilize a weight to carry them underneath the vinegar if you want. I fold a small piece of baking paper over a number of instances and place it on prime of the flowers.

Add the lid to your jar and let it sit in a cool place to infuse for at the least 1 – 3 weeks. After a number of days you’ll discover that your vinegar is popping a beautiful shade of orange, crimson or yellow, relying of what color flowers you utilize.

When prepared, pressure out the nasturtium flowers and retailer your infused vinegar in an hermetic glass jar within the cool pantry.

Storing selfmade Nasturtium Infused Vinegar

Make it possible for it’s saved in sterilised jars. 

Retailer this vinegar in a darkish cupboard for round three months. If saved within the fridge, it ought to last as long as eight months.

For longer storage, you possibly can attempt water bathtub canning for round 10 minutes, relying in your altitude. Simply comply with the beneficial canning strategies.

You’ll know in case your vinegar has gone unhealthy because it normally goes cloudy, bubbly and even mouldy. 

Sitting it in daylight will lower the life span of the vinegar,

Utilizing  Nasturtium Vinegar

This pretty infused vinegar can be utilized

  • In salad dressings
  • In marinades
  • As a alternative for vinegar in your cooking, although will add a peppery trace to your dish
  • As a digestive tonic – drink a small quantity as a digestive earlier than meals
  • Blended with honey and heat water for a soothing tea
  • Use to make vegetable pickles
  • In quite a lot of savoury sauces and gravies

Nasturtium Infused Vinegar

Extra Recipes

Nasturtium Infused Vinegar

Nasturtium Infused Vinegar

Simple Living. Creative Learning

Prep Time 10 minutes

14 days

Whole Time 14 days 10 minutes


  • contemporary nasturtium flowers
  • white wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar or white vinegar


  • Place the flowers right into a glass jar.

  • Fully cowl the flowers along with your chosen vinegar. You could discover that the flowers float. You should utilize a weight to carry them underneath the vinegar if you want. I fold a small piece of baking paper over a number of instances and place it on prime of the flowers.

  • Add the lid to your jar and let it sit in a cool place to infuse for at the least 1 – 3 weeks. After a number of days you’ll discover that your vinegar is popping a beautiful shade of orange, crimson or yellow, relying of what color flowers you utilize.

  • When prepared, pressure out the nasturtium flowers and retailer your infused vinegar in an hermetic glass jar within the cool pantry.

  • This pretty infused vinegar can be utilized in salad dressings or marinades; as a alternative for vinegar in your cooking.

Key phrase Infused Vinegar, Nasturtium


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