Samadhi – The Practice of Living Awareness


Monday’s meditation was an train in mindfulness. Right this moment, we’ll deal with focus (pun meant).

We’ll use a candle for this meditation. Extra particularly, we’ll use the candle’s flame and the sitting can be finished with eyes open. So, if potential, take the time to fetch a candle after which settle into the audio introduction. Afterwards come again to those written directions for in the present day’s meditation:

  1. If it’s potential to darken your meditation area by dimming the lights or drawing the blinds, accomplish that – that may be useful. Make sure that there’s nothing flammable round your candle and that it’s in a correct holder and on a flat floor. It’s finest if the flame is at eye degree and about two ft away from you. Maybe you possibly can sit at a desk for this meditation.
  2. Mild the candle, get comfy, smile and take a protracted gradual deep breath (sounds acquainted). Permit the flame to be the principle focus of your consideration. Maintain your eyes regular there. You’ll blink typically and possibly tear up a bit, no worries, merely hold your gaze on the flame… and breathe.

Hearth may be hypnotic, its light dance is mesmerizing, There’s loads to maintain the thoughts occupied and your curiosity piqued. But, with out fail, the thoughts will wander. Merely redirect your consideration to the flame when this occurs… your eyes are already there, simply gently enable the thoughts to affix them. Chances are you’ll discover that ideas start to gradual. Chances are you’ll discover the flame so fascinating that ideas go by unnoticed altogether and the thoughts left regular and concentrated. You might also discover that regular focus offers option to a buoyant sense of openness inside discipline of consciousness. That is the expertise of samadhi, or smart focus.

Take pleasure in.

Mind Meditation – Day 2


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