Going Back To First and Fifth Grade


I went again to first and fifth grade at the moment because the particular buddy of two of my grandchildren. I used to be struck by the innocence of the kids and their youthful enthusiasm; and I questioned what they have been experiencing, what goals that they had, and, sadly, concerning the evil they’d inevitably encounter.

Upon reflection, they appeared devoid of delight, envy, and worry of others and filled with compassion. Maybe Rousseau was proper in spite of everything. Possibly rising up actually does corrupt us. Ultimately, although, I sensed the great thing about selves not but corrupted by a tawdry world.

Then once more perhaps my romantic sensibilities have been being activated, blinding me to the combined human nature inside these younger minds that might, because it did for the remainder of us, finally assert itself. I don’t know.

I simply know that for a quick hour, the world held promise.

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