Freeloading Chickens


One frequent false impression about chickens is that they lay eggs daily.  In reality, their ranges of manufacturing enhance and reduce primarily based on the climate.  

In the summertime months when the times are lengthy chickens have a tendency to put eggs each different day. 

 Nevertheless, they lay fewer eggs within the fall when the times get shorter, and so they undergo their molt, changing their previous feathers with new ones.

Within the winter, the chickens relaxation.  They’re much less energetic in the course of the day, and their egg manufacturing drops too nearly nothing.  At present marks the third day in a row that I’ve walked to the hen home, fed my birds, and obtained no eggs for my bother.

They’ve grow to be a bunch of freeloaders.

It is not unusual for homesteaders to start out culling their hens round this time of yr, turning them into stew, and making room for the brand new chicks that they will buy within the spring.  It is smart from an financial perspective.  Why maintain feeding birds that do not feed you in return?

Nevertheless, I am taking a unique strategy.  I do know their egg manufacturing will decide up within the spring, and I do know my birds have worth outdoors of pure economics.  So, I will maintain feeding and watering them via the winter, and we’ll see what occurs.

Finest case state of affairs, we’ll begin getting eggs once more within the spring.  Worst case state of affairs, the older hens will proceed residing a snug life, and we’ll get some youthful, egg-producing hens to maintain them firm.

I am making this determination for 2 causes:

  1. I am vegetarian, so culling the hens can be a waste.
  2. Buddhism teaches that the worth of a life is not strictly financial.  It is okay to take care of others just because they exist.

I consider this generally because it pertains to Buddhist follow.  I imagine many individuals within the west strategy Buddhism from an financial perspective.  We make investments our time, cash, and assets.  Then we watch fastidiously in an try and measure our return on funding.

If we’re not getting what we noticed within the pamphlet; if we’re not blissed out all day, if it nonetheless hurts once we sit on the cushion, we start on the lookout for one other religious follow that guarantees fast outcomes.

This can be a recipe for failure.

There’s nothing fast about Buddhist coaching.  Even the Buddha required many lifetimes to appreciate enlightenment.  And when he lastly did, his response was to journey and train the Dharma for one more forty-five years till his loss of life.

There is no such thing as a brief reduce to interior peace.  There’s solely the trail, and we should stroll it daily. 

Talking from expertise there will probably be seasons when every little thing appears to fall into place.  We sit daily, we comprehend the sutras with ease, and our thoughts is freed from angst.

There will probably be different seasons, winter seasons, once we maintain giving extra solely to get much less in return.  In these moments we will probably be tempted to stop, to surrender, to suppose that we do not have what it takes to appreciate enlightenment.

However we should do not forget that we, just like the chickens, like all sentient beings have intrinsic worth.  And it is okay to take care of ourselves just because we exist.

If we view our religious follow much less as a approach achieve attainments and extra as a approach to deal with the struggling of life.  The ebbs and flows of realization grow to be simpler to bear.

Personally, I’ve days when it is a battle to sit down on the cushion.  There are moments when burning incense feels awkward and unnatural.  However even the difficult days depart me with a calmer, extra targeted thoughts.

Thus, the follow remains to be helpful on the times that it isn’t good.

We simply should maintain sitting, maintain chanting, maintain burning incense.  We simply have to maintain strolling the trail; figuring out that even our smallest step ahead is one step nearer to enlightenment.

Namu Amida Butsu

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