Transhumanism and Misanthropy | Daily Philosophy


I just lately noticed a graffito saying ‘Humanity sucks!’ With out realizing what the artist meant, one can think about. The human world as we all know it’s a world of violence, greed, selfishness, and zealous self-destructiveness. Inequality, hatred, and indifference corrupt our remedy of different folks. Brutality and exploitativeness stain our remedy of billions of animals. World heating, philistine assaults on the humanities, warmongering – these and different failings are commonplace entries in a misanthropic litany.

By misanthropy, I don’t imply a radical anti-social perspective or a hatred of human beings. Reclusion and hatred might be expressions of our misanthropic judgements, little question. However there’s a a lot wider vary of how to precise real misanthropic convictions. In keeping with a number of latest philosophers, myself included, we must outline misanthropy as a destructive appraisal of the ethical situation of humankind. It’s a verdict or evaluation handed, not on people, however on humankind or human types of life. Consider the eco-misanthropes – the greed, wastefulness and destructiveness they decry are options of social and financial techniques, relatively than (essentially) vices of particular person individuals. Greed and our different failings are constructed into the system. If we search for these failings on the stage of the person, then we miss their collective manifestations.

By misanthropy, I don’t imply a radical anti-social perspective or a hatred of human beings. 

The American author Adam Kirsch refers to eco-misanthropy in a latest e-book on the ‘revolt in opposition to humanity’. Truly, there are two such revolts. One is Anthropocene antihumanism, an assault on the entrenched failings of humanity because it has come to be. The opposite is transhumanism, a various group of technologists, futurists, gurus and others who aspire to radically remodel the human situation. Science and expertise, they argue, can improve our at the moment feeble psychological and bodily talents. No illness, no growing older, no loss of life, even. Furthermore, we are able to purchase new types of psychological and bodily talents and even go for extra radical ‘upgrades’. Future ‘post-humans’, relying on who you learn, may transfer from one synthetic physique to a different. The purpose is a world of upgraded, enhanced creatures, introduced into being by transhumanist strategies – the situation of ‘posthumanity’. Tremendous-intelligent, incapable of ageing and sickness and successfully immortal, ‘posthumans’ characterize the perfect future for people. For one fanatic, our extinction, if executed effectively, could possibly be ‘a profession transfer for Homo sapiens.

Misanthropes – Literary and Philosophical

What the 2 ‘revolts’ have in widespread, for Kirsch, are their shared ‘visions of a humanless world’. Anthropocene antihumanists anticipate our extinction as ‘a sentence we have now handed on ourselves’. Unhappy as our demise could also be, there can be main boons for many animals and the pure world. The synthetic evils meted out to animals, equivalent to manufacturing unit farming, will come to an finish.

Within the case of transhumanists, issues are totally different – whereas Homo sapiens do disappear, they might be succeeded by ‘Humanity 2.0’. (One is perhaps tempted to name this antihumanist, however, as we’ll see, transhumanists resist that destructive label). For transhumanists, we people must see ourselves because the early levels of a better type of life. Our disappearance, unhealthy as it might be for us, is healthier for the planet and, extra optimistically, an important stage within the evolution of clever life.

Anthropocene antihumanism appears clearly misanthropic. It expresses a powerful and destructive judgment on our ethical situation. Human types of life are suffused with ethical failings, and this truth is manifested itself in more and more ominous methods. A species that brings about its personal finish is significantly at fault – a type of ironic species-level Darwin Award. However what of transhumanism? Is it, too, an expression of misanthropy? Is there a reality in a single’s author’s discuss of transhumanism as a ‘futuristic misanthropy’? Is aspiring to create, albeit non-violently, a posthuman world itself a misanthropic ambition?

We must outline misanthropy as a destructive appraisal of the ethical situation of humankind. Tweet!

It may be arduous to reply these questions. The transhumanist motion is numerous with many, typically conflicting visions. Furthermore, the trendy misanthropologists don’t say a lot about it. However I believe no less than quite a lot of transhumanism is, at its core, misanthropic. Two students name posthumanism a mirrored image on ‘what it means to be human’, and that’s actually in step with misanthropy. So there’s conceptual work to do in making an attempt to chart the connections between transhumanist and misanthropic views on human life as we all know it.

Misanthropy and transhumanism share one vital conviction. The ethical situation and efficiency of humankind are dreadful. No-one, besides essentially the most naïve, may take a look at the human world and go a optimistic ethical verdict. Hatred, greed and delusion are for the Buddha the three ‘unwholesome roots’ of human life. To that trio, one may add conceitedness, cruelty, envy, hubris, indifference, laziness, self-deception and plenty of others. Misanthropes and transhumanists agree, too, that these failings are sustained by options, equivalent to embodiment, constitutive of the types of creatures we’re. As ‘fleshlings’ with appetites, wishes, wants, and fears we’re inclined to cowardice, covetousness and different failings. Our restricted cognitive capacities additionally make us liable to unhealthy ethical conduct. We purpose badly, bounce to conclusions, and discover our reasoning undercut by cognitive biases and our inabilities to calculate the long-term penalties of our actions. That is all worsened by our tribalism, aggressiveness and different legacies of our all-too-human primate inheritance. As one Reddit blogger neatly places it, ‘we’re simply apes that didn’t evolve to make world-impacting selections’.

Necessary Vices

The poor ethical efficiency of humankind, coupled to our cognitive limitations, factors to a pessimistic conclusion. For transhumanists and plenty of misanthropes, there’s little prospect for a radical enchancment in our ethical efficiency. People are constitutively incapable of virtuous types of life. Posthumans, after all, can aspire to far more. If sickness, growing older, loss of life and vices are components of the human situation, then there generally is a completely happy answer: grow to be one thing extra or higher than people. Transhumanists typically consult with an ‘escape from the human situation’ and to liberation from ‘finite and mortal constraints’ as imposed by nature. In a relatively theological model of considering, post-humans are liberated from the imperfections of the flesh that sustains our vices and condemns us to toil, battle, and loss of life.

People are constitutively incapable of virtuous types of life. Posthumans, after all, can aspire to far more. Tweet!

If that is proper, then a typical motivation of misanthropy and transhumanism is a eager sense of the ethical failings endemic to humankind. Because the human situation constrains our prospect for ethical betterment, we should transcend it. A very posthuman future is a world with out us – Homo sapiens – however, for that very purpose, additionally a world with out callousness, reckless stupidity, narrow-mindedness and injustice. A world with out us is a world with out our all-too-human failings. The aspiration is to ‘create individuals who’re smarter and extra virtuous’ than we’re or might be. Such super-creatures won’t be human, even when there’s a form of continuity between them and us. As one other commentator places it, transhumanists do have a ‘imaginative and prescient of a type of human existence’, of creatures liberated from ‘sure restrictions’ of the human situation. Whether or not these must be referred to as people – or posthumans – just isn’t related to many misanthropes. The misanthropic factors are that failings are endemic to human life – and no quantity of social activism, political reforms, or philosophical instructing may take away them. I see that as a motivating misanthropy – albeit not one typically emphasised in transhumanist rhetoric, which tends in direction of upbeat discuss of ‘upgrades’, ‘liberation’ and so forth. It additionally displays the deeply misanthropic ethos of the posthuman imaginative and prescient.

As a tragic truth, the morally finest world isn’t any form of human world. It’s going to include no people, and be nothing just like the human world as we all know it. For Andrew Gibson, ‘crucial post-humanist’ tasks purpose to interchange ‘outdated, recidivist’ sorts of people with morally superior post-humans.

I’ve mentioned little concerning the coherence and the desirability of the posthuman beliefs. Cultural theorists, philosophers, theologians and others supply highly effective criticisms of transhumanist concepts and ambitions. For the report, I’m sceptical of transhumanism, however that’s irrelevant to my goals on this essay. I wished to discover the conceptual connections of misanthropy to transhumanism. If I’m proper, the ambition to inaugurate a post-human world is rooted in a misanthropic verdict on our ethical situation and a deeply pessimistic estimation of the prospects for its betterment. If that’s the case, that graffito was proper – ‘Humanity sucks’, however, if the ‘techno-prophets’ are proper, this won’t be true of posthumanity.

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Ian James Kidd is a lecturer in philosophy on the College of Nottingham. He beforehand labored on the universities of Durham and Leeds, instructing philosophy of faith, philosophy of science, and Indian philosophy. His present analysis pursuits embrace misanthropy, the perfect of ethical quietism, and themes in South and East Asian philosophy. His web site is

Ian James Kidd on Each day Philosophy:

Cowl picture: Midjourney.

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