The Diamond Sutra (16)


Half 6 – 1

Subhuti stated to the Buddha, “World Honoured One, will any sentient beings develop real religion by listening to these phrases?”  The Buddha stated to Subhuti, “Don’t discuss in that manner. Within the final 5 hundred years after the dying of me, the Realised One, there will probably be those that maintain the precepts and do good deeds, conceive religion in these phrases and think about it to be true. You need to know that as a result of these individuals have planted roots of goodness, not with one, two, three, 4, or 5 Buddhas, however with infinite 1000’s of myriads of Buddhas, they may conceive pure religion on listening to these phrases for even a second.”


To plant roots of goodness with infinite 1000’s of myriads of Buddhas means to see all of the Buddhas, to realize enlightenment by seeing all issues as they’re, and to conceive pure religion implies that we develop into religion itself by means of realising that we’re the Buddha itself.

The important thing level of this paragraph is how we ourselves could be those that the Buddha predicted would conceive pure religion upon studying, or listening to these phrases. Regardless of how many individuals could conceive pure religion, it’s of no use in any respect if we are able to’t conceive pure religion. Regardless of what number of Buddhas others could have planted roots of goodness with, it’s inferior to if we see a single Buddha upon studying, or listening to these phrases at this second.

The purpose of Buddha’s talks equivalent to this isn’t to allow us to accumulate data by means of literal understanding about sure information however to steer us to conceive pure religion by planting roots of goodness by means of seeing and listening to his phrases as they’re. Put merely, the Buddha’s intention in delivering his discuss is to point out the true-Self quite than to state sure information.

So, protecting it in thoughts that the Buddha stated, “Not a phrase have I stated” on his deathbed lest we must be deluded by his phrases, we should always attempt to see and listen to what’s past phrases hidden in every of his phrases as a substitute of being glad with mental understanding. That is why historic masters would say that the Sutras aren’t any higher than Mara’s discuss if we’re deluded by phrases.

Pupil: “How can I plant roots of goodness with infinite 1000’s of myriads of Buddhas?”

Grasp: “Don’t be deceived by the phrases not preached by the Buddha.”

Pupil: “Who has planted roots of goodness with infinite 1000’s of myriads of Buddhas?”

Grasp: “They’re those that can see the Buddha upon listening to, or studying these phrases.”

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway


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