Fried Spaghetti ⋆ 100 Days of Real Food


Fried spaghetti is a crispy and flavorful dish made with leftover spaghetti and your favourite toppings! This fast and straightforward meal is ideal for a weeknight dinner. It’s crispy, creamy, and scrumptious!

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Fried spaghetti is a savory and crunchy twist on a traditional Italian dish! It’s made with spaghetti noodles which can be stir-fried till golden brown and crispy. The noodles are then tossed in a sauce of your alternative, similar to tomato sauce, pesto, or Alfredo sauce. Fried spaghetti is a scrumptious and straightforward 20-minute dish good for a fast and straightforward weeknight meal!

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Why You’ll Love This Recipe

  • Fried spaghetti is fast and straightforward to make.
  • The entire recipe could be made in a single pan. It solely takes about 20 minutes.
  • It’s inexpensive. The elements are all comparatively cheap.
  • This spaghetti dish is flexible.
  • Customise the dish to your liking through the use of completely different sauces or toppings.
  • It’s a household favourite. Nice for youths and adults!
  • This recipe is of course vegan and vegetarian. It may be simply made gluten-free too.
  • Take a look at this Chicken Spaghetti for an additional Italian-inspired dinner recipe!

Substances & Substitutes

These are the elements and substitutes for fried spaghetti. Scroll all the way down to the recipe card under for the complete recipe.

We like utilizing complete wheat spaghetti. In case you are gluten-free, use gluten-free spaghetti, spaghetti squash, or hearts of palm pasta.

Olive oil helps make the pasta crispy. Exchange with avocado oil if desired.

Finely chop the onion.

Minced garlic provides a scrumptious Italian taste.

Thinly slice the bell pepper. Use any coloration.

Tomato paste helps thicken the sauce.

Dried Italian herbs add taste. We love oregano, basil, and thyme. In case you have contemporary herbs, even higher!

For a spicy taste, add in some crimson pepper flakes.

Season with salt and pepper to style.

Lastly, garnish with contemporary parsley for added coloration and taste.

Ingredients for fried spaghetti.

Style & Texture

Fried spaghetti has a savory taste and crunchy texture.

The noodles are cooked till golden brown and crispy. The sauce provides the dish a wealthy and flavorful style.

General, this dish tastes like spaghetti with spaghetti sauce, however with a deeper taste.


Step 1

First, cook dinner the entire wheat spaghetti in accordance with the bundle directions till it’s al dente. Drain and rinse it underneath chilly water to cease the cooking course of. Set it apart.

Cooked spaghetti noodles.

Step 2

Warmth the olive oil in a big skillet or wok over medium warmth.

Step 3

Add the chopped onion and minced garlic to the recent oil. Sauté for about 2-3 minutes till the onion turns into mushy and translucent.

Step 4

Add the sliced bell pepper to the skillet. Stir-fry for about 2-3 minutes till the greens are barely tender.

Step 5

Add the tomato paste, dried Italian herbs, and crimson pepper flakes (if utilizing) to the skillet. Stir every part collectively till the elements are nicely coated.

Step 6

Add the cooked spaghetti to the skillet and toss every part collectively till the spaghetti and elements are nicely mixed.

Pasta noodles in skillet.

Step 7

Proceed stir-frying for an additional 2-3 minutes to warmth the spaghetti and mix the flavors.

Spaghetti with veggies.

Step 8

Style and season with salt and pepper as wanted.

Step 9

Take away the skillet from the warmth.

Step 10

Lastly, serve the fried spaghetti scorching, garnished with chopped contemporary parsley if desired.

Spaghetti noodles with basil.

Knowledgeable Suggestions for Success

Observe these tricks to make the very best fried spaghetti.

Cook dinner the spaghetti to al dente or use leftover spaghetti noodles.

Don’t attempt to use raw pasta.

Drain the noodles nicely earlier than stir frying. This can stop the noodles from sticking collectively.

Cook dinner over medium warmth. This helps the noodles cook dinner evenly and turn out to be crispy.

Taste Variations & Add-Ins

Listed here are some methods to change up the flavors of your fried spaghetti.

Use one other sauce, like pesto or Alfredo sauce.

Add your favourite protein, similar to floor beef, sausage, or rooster.

Add in different greens, like mushrooms, olives, or broccoli.

High with grated Parmesan cheese or mozzarella cheese for additional taste.

Serve & Retailer

Fried spaghetti is greatest served scorching.

If desired, garnish it together with your favourite toppings, similar to grated Parmesan cheese or contemporary parsley.

The dish could be saved in an hermetic container within the fridge for as much as 3 days. To reheat, merely reheat it in a pan over medium warmth till heated by.

Continuously Requested Questions (FAQs)

Can I make this dish forward of time?

Sure, you can also make this dish forward of time and reheat it later. Merely observe the recipe directions after which cool the dish fully. Retailer it in an hermetic container within the fridge for as much as 3 days. To reheat, merely reheat it in a pan over medium warmth till heated by.

Can I take advantage of dry spaghetti noodles?

Don’t use dry noodles for this recipe. Cook dinner them beforehand.

Can I make this dish vegan?

To make this recipe vegan, omit any cheese and select a dairy free sauce.

How do you cook dinner spaghetti in a frying pan?

Use sufficient oil to forestall burning. As well as, cook dinner with sauce and veggies.

Does one other sort of pasta like ziti or penne work on this recipe?

Certain! Use cooked ziti or penne if desired.

Spaghetti stir fry.

Tools Wanted

Wooden Spoon: Combine the pasta with a picket spoon.

Large Nonstick Skillet: This nonstick skillet is massive sufficient for this spaghetti stir fry recipe.

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