12 Tips for Nighttime Heartburn Relief


Nighttime heartburn impacts 4 out of 5 individuals who endure common heartburn and acid reflux disease. The discomfort and bitter style could make sleep uncomfortable, even elusive.

Whereas over-the-counter and prescription drugs can deal with signs upon getting heartburn, “the cornerstone of remedy for any illness or dysfunction is prevention,” say Lawrence J. Cheskin, MD, and Brian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, of their e book Therapeutic Heartburn.

Luckily, typically all it takes to forestall nighttime heartburn is a couple of way of life adjustments. WebMD turned to the heartburn specialists to get their tips about stopping nighttime heartburn earlier than it hits — so you possibly can sleep nicely tonight.

1. Sleep in your left aspect.This place appears to assist cut back nighttime heartburn symptoms, says David A. Johnson, MD, inner drugs division chief at Jap Virginia College of Drugs, Norfolk, Va. To recollect which aspect to sleep on, Johnson provides this reminiscence trick: Proper is improper.

2. Lose weight, even a little bit. Heartburn typically simply will get worse as you achieve weight, however dropping as little as two and a half kilos can assist cut back heartburn signs, Johnson says.

3. Sleep together with your higher physique elevated. While you lay flat in mattress, your throat and stomach are mainly on the identical stage, making it straightforward for abdomen acids to circulation up your esophagus, inflicting heartburn. You possibly can elevate your physique in two methods:

  • Put the top of your mattress on 4- to 6-inch blocks.
  • Sleep on a wedge-shaped pillow that is not less than 6 to 10 inches thick on one finish. Do not substitute common pillows; they simply elevate your head, and never your total higher physique.

4. Put on loose-fitting garments. Tight garments, particularly close to your waist, can put stress in your abdomen, resulting in heartburn signs.

5. Keep away from meals that set off your heartburn. Meals that trigger heartburn differ from individual to individual. Frequent meals and drinks that may cause heartburn and interrupt sleep embody alcohol; caffeinated drinks like colas, espresso, and tea; chocolate and cocoa; peppermint; garlic; onions; milk; fatty, spicy, greasy, or fried meals; and acidic meals like citrus or tomato merchandise. Preserve a meals diary that can assist you observe which meals could set off your heartburn.

6. Avoid late-night meals or large meals. Keep away from consuming meals two to 3 hours earlier than bedtime to cut back abdomen acid and permit the abdomen to partially empty its contents earlier than you sleep, suggests the American Gastroenterological Affiliation. As a result of giant meals put stress in your abdomen, strive consuming a smaller meal within the night to assist stop nighttime heartburn signs.

7. Chill out once you eat. Feeling confused once you eat in a rush may cause the abdomen to provide extra abdomen acids. Chill out after your meal as nicely — however do not lay down. Some professionals suggest making an attempt rest strategies like deep respiratory or meditation.

8. Keep upright after consuming. This reduces the chance of acid creeping up your esophagus. You will additionally wish to keep away from bending over or straining to carry heavy objects.

9. Wait to train. Enable a few hours after a meal earlier than rigorous exercise. This offers your abdomen time to empty itself.

10. Chew gum. Chewing gum encourages the manufacturing of saliva, which may soothe your esophagus and wash acid down into your abdomen. Select a taste aside from peppermint, which can worsen heartburn in some individuals.

11. Give up smoking.Smoking is a double menace in the case of heartburn. Not solely can cigarette smoke irritate your GI tract, however smoking can even loosen up the esophageal muscle tissue that hold abdomen acid the place it belongs.

12. Discuss to your physician concerning the drugs you’re taking. Some drugs could trigger or worsen heartburn, together with NSAIDs, some osteoporosis medicine, some heart and blood pressure drugs, some hormone drugs, some asthma medications, and a few depression medications. Simply as everybody’s meals triggers for heartburn may be completely different, so can medicine triggers.

If way of life adjustments do not assist you handle your heartburn, it might be time for medicine or different remedy. Name your physician if:

  • Your heartburn would not go away.
  • You have got bother swallowing.
  • Your heartburn causes vomiting.
  • You continue to have heartburn after utilizing antacids for 2 weeks.

By no means ignore persistent heartburn. Left untreated, power acid reflux can scar and slender your esophagus, cautions Gary Gitnick, MD, chief of digestive ailments/gastroenterology at UCLA. At its worst, untreated power heartburn — a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux illness (GERD) — can become esophageal cancer.


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