Caffeine abstinence linked to increased sleep problems in older women


Caffeine abstinence linked to elevated sleep issues in older ladies – A Dutch examine discovered that abstaining from caffeine can enhance sleep disturbances in older ladies. The examine prompt that sleep high quality and caffeine consumption had been linked in a sex-specific method, with older ladies who abstained from consuming caffeine experiencing shorter and extra disturbed sleep than those that didn’t abstain.

This affiliation was not noticed in older males. The findings spotlight the potential impression of caffeine abstinence on sleep well being, significantly in older ladies.


  • Optimum sleep is essential for well-being and well being, significantly as we age.
  • Roughly 25% of adults over 65 expertise poor sleep high quality or period, impacting bodily and psychological well being.
  • Sleep might be affected by age-related elements like well being situations, drugs, and behavioral elements.
  • Modifiable elements like weight-reduction plan, together with caffeine consumption, can even affect sleep.

Concerning the Examine

Researchers analyzed information from the Longitudinal Ageing Examine Amsterdam, involving adults aged 55-85.

Information from 2018-2019 was used, together with data from members added later.

Two structured interviews assessed sleep disturbances (onset, continuity, early wake-up), sleep period, and caffeine consumption (tea and low, together with decaffeinated choices).
Sociodemographic elements and different potential confounders had been additionally collected.


The hyperlink between caffeine and sleep differed by intercourse.
Girls who abstained from caffeine had shorter sleep and extra disruptions than caffeine shoppers.
No such affiliation was noticed in males, and there was no hyperlink between caffeine and longer sleep in both intercourse.

Comparability to Different Research

Some research assist these findings, whereas others hyperlink excessive espresso consumption with shorter sleep.
The authors recommend discrepancies could relate to how caffeine consumption is measured (together with all caffeinated drinks vs. simply espresso).

Alternative routes to enhance sleep high quality in older ladies

Reduce or eradicate alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine: As we age, our potential to metabolize these substances modifications, and minimizing or eliminating them may also help enhance sleep high quality.

Preserve a routine: Going to mattress on the similar time each night time and getting away from bed on the similar time each morning can considerably enhance sleep high quality.

Keep lively: Bodily and social exercise are cues for the physique to be awake and may make you extra prepared for sleep at night time.

Keep away from afternoon naps: Napping in the course of the day could make it more durable to go to sleep at night time, so it’s finest to keep away from or restrict afternoon naps.

Leisure strategies: Participating in leisure strategies earlier than mattress, reminiscent of taking a heat tub, meditating, or deep respiratory, may also help enhance sleep high quality.

Develop a bedtime routine: Taking time to chill out earlier than bedtime every night time, reminiscent of studying a ebook or listening to soothing music, can sign to the physique that it’s time to wind down and put together for sleep.

These methods can contribute to higher sleep high quality in older ladies by addressing varied elements that may impression sleep.

What’s the beneficial each day caffeine consumption for older ladies

The beneficial each day caffeine consumption for older ladies is as much as 400 milligrams, as prompt by medical specialists.

That is equal to about three to 5 cups of espresso, relying on the espresso power and serving dimension.

It’s vital for older ladies to watch their caffeine consumption, as it’s not solely present in espresso but additionally in different drinks and merchandise reminiscent of tea, soda, power drinks, and chocolate.

Extreme caffeine consumption can result in varied unintended effects, so it’s important to remain inside the beneficial restrict for higher well being, together with improved sleep high quality. Examine source


This examine means that caffeine abstinence could negatively impression sleep in older ladies. Extra analysis is required to grasp the complicated relationship between caffeine, sleep, and intercourse variations.

ALSO READ: Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms and How Long They Last (Duration)


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