Suicide prevention telehealth provider Vita Health receives $22.5M


Connecticut-based suicide prevention telehealth platform Vita Well being has secured $22.5 million in Sequence A funding. 

LFE Capital, CVS Well being Ventures, Athyrium Capital Administration, Flare Capital Companions, Connecticut Improvements, CU Healthcare Innovation Fund and HopeLab participated within the spherical.


Vita Well being connects telehealth suppliers with youth and adults considering suicide. The platform additionally offers teletherapy and psychiatry companies for people with behavioral well being situations.  

The funding will help the psychological well being firm’s growth.

“Our collective motivation was to shift a really lethal curve in our society that has far-reaching and lasting implications for all concerned,” Lynn Hamilton, Vita Well being cofounder and CEO, mentioned in an announcement. 

“We’re humbled by the participation from a broad group of subtle, skilled and strategic buyers. With a rising roster of well being plan companions, supplier companions, employers, schools and universities, we’re increasing our attain to straight deal with probably the most difficult psychological well being issues within the U.S.”


Suicide is without doubt one of the main causes of loss of life within the U.S., and the rate of suicides has elevated by 2.6% from 2021 to 2022.  

Vita Well being secured $8.38 million in 2022.

Different digital well being corporations working to deal with suicidal ideations embody psychological well being advantages supplier Lyra Health and publicly traded digital behavioral well being firm Talkspace


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