Try Active Imagination. It’s Meditation Done Jung Style


I first got here throughout Carl Jung’s “Energetic Creativeness Meditation” whereas I used to be discussing completely different psychotherapy practices with some pals. Considered one of them had been studying Jung’s Crimson E book and stumbled upon the method. I’m glad they did as a result of it’s fairly fascinating.

What first struck me about Energetic Creativeness was how totally distinctive it’s. It’s a way for exploring the psyche primarily based on goals. Should you’re a fan of the Swiss psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Carl Jung or you might be merely searching for a brand new approach to meditate, you actually should do this. So let’s have a look. On this information I’ll focus on how the strategy works, the directions for it, and a guided meditation you’ll be able to attempt at residence.

Meditate With Me

Be a part of me for a non-public meditation session. Grasp meditation. Grasp your thoughts.

About Jungian Psychology

If we’re to know Energetic Creativeness, we first must know a bit about Jungian Psychology, the psychological framework created by Carl Gustav Jung within the early 1900s. It’s a framework primarily based predominantly round theories of the unconscious thoughts, archetypes (symbolic pictures representing the unconscious) and individuation (which is analogous to self realization). Basically by working with the archetypes and symbols of the unconscious foremost we will acquire self realization. And that is exactly what Energetic Creativeness is about: working with the unconscious thoughts to attain a significant, purposeful, and fulfilling life. 

Overview of Energetic Creativeness

In Energetic Creativeness we interact with the contents of the subconscious mind by specializing in psychological imagery that has introduced itself to us in our goals. As we deal with these unconscious symbols we enable our unconscious to speak with us. This bridges the acutely aware and the unconscious, which Jung mentioned results in a deeper understanding of ourselves. 

You would possibly discover that that is very completely different from common meditation. Certainly, I really like how distinctive Energetic Creativeness is. Often we meditate by consciously focusing the thoughts on the current second with little if any involvement of the creativeness. This can be a disgrace as a result of, as poet and thinker Samuel Taylor Coleridge mentioned, creativeness is the “situation for cognitive participation in a sacramental universe”, a view shared in Islamic philosophy by which a religious realm known as Alam al-Mithal exists between the bodily and religious worlds. By bringing creativeness into our meditation we entry a extra religious state than we do by merely mindful breathing. You’ll discover this if you attempt the train beneath.

How To Do Energetic Creativeness Meditation

  1. Earlier than starting, attempt to recall a picture out of your goals. Should you can’t bear in mind a picture out of your goals, select any imagery which means one thing to you on a unconscious stage.
  2. Sit comfortably or lie down with good posture. Shut your eyes. Observe conscious respiratory for a couple of minutes to calm down.
  3. Call to mind your dream picture and deal with it calmly, so that you’re concentrating on it however you’re not holding it too tightly. That is vital as a result of it’ll enable your creativeness to develop.
  4. As you proceed to deal with this picture, enable the picture to develop. You would possibly begin to see associated pictures or to see a “film in your thoughts”. Perhaps you’ll hear sounds. Permit all of this to occur.
  5. Enter a dialogue with the characters and symbols in your scene. Ask questions and hearken to responses as you’ll do in Third Eye Meditation.
  6. Slowly open your eyes.
  7. Create an arristic illustration of your expertise (this could possibly be a narrative, portray, or another inventive expression).
  8. Take a break.
  9. Later, mirror on the expertise. You would possibly discover it useful to create a journal of what you noticed, your ideas, and your emotional responses. 

Attainable Advantages of Energetic Creativeness

There’s little to no fashionable analysis on the strategy, and certainly a lot of Jung’s work has been characterized as pseudoscience (I principally am creating this information for academic functions for these of us who’re aficionados of meditation techniques as I’m). Nevertheless, I’ll speculate as to a number of the attainable advantages of energetic meditation method.

Firstly, I do strongly imagine that the strategy may also help with self discovery. Are there quantifiable advantages of meditating on unconscious symbols? Effectively like most of Jung’s work there isn’t a approach to know for certain. However the easy indisputable fact that the strategy makes us get in contact with our unconscious and contemplate the which means of our goals, that by itself should certainly encourage self discovery.

Additionally, it should certainly be useful for the creativeness by making us extra conscious of it. And this could solely be an excellent factor given the advantages of getting a wholesome creativeness, reminiscent of improved downside fixing abilities and heightened creativity. Certainly that is one purpose why I advocate for imagination exercises. Nevertheless, there are controversial higher meditations for creativity

As for the therapeutic makes use of, nicely, in fact there’s completely no approach to know if this system is helpful or not. Some would argue that it helps us convey up repressed emotions and feelings and to launch them, which is crucial for therapeutic. Others would say it’s pure pseudoscience. 

Ultimate Ideas

I’ve at all times been a fan of Jung with out essentially believing a lot of his claims, which have been extensively dismissed by the scientific group. Jung will at all times be an inspiration who made us dream in regards to the “What Ifs” of psychology. And I feel this meditation completely displays that. What if bridging the hole between acutely aware and unconscious helps us launch repressed ideas and feelings? What if the creativeness actually is the bridge over which the thoughts might entry the religious realm? What if we will obtain self realization by meditating on pictures from our goals? All of it sounds so magical. However it is usually fully unprovable. And as such, I’d say go forward, do this method, and draw your individual conclusions. However for me I’ll contemplate it a enjoyable various approach to meditate fairly than a critical instrument for my psychological well being.


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