Scott Aikin on Revising Stoicism (Episode 116)


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This one is for all of you curious about Stoic principle.

On this dialog, Caleb and Scott Aikin focus on objections to Stoicism.

Scott defends a revisionary sort of Stoicism. In some locations, Caleb questions how revisionary it’s – is Scott simply restating issues the ancients solved already? In different place, Caleb questions whether or not it’s too revisionary to work – do we’d like an account of nature in any case?

Hear and work by way of the issues your self.

Epictetus’s ‘Encheiridion’: A New Translation and Guide to Stoic Ethics

Earlier Stoa Conversation on Why What You Think Is Up To You

Caleb and Michael discuss The Impossibility Objection

Scott Aikin on We Are The Stoics Now

(04:44) Fatalism

(12:29) Dichotomy of Management

(18:45) The place Your Management Lies

(20:04) Skepticism

(22:28) Determinism

(31:30) How You Revisionary Is Scott?

(34:38) The Damage Downside

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Because of Michael Levy for graciously letting us use his music within the conversations.


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