Eternalism & Free Will | Reason and Meaning


Within the commonsense view of time, known as presentism,  every of the 4 instants of time within the snapshot above exist one after one other and solely the current exists. The principle drawback with presentism is that it conflicts with the idea of relativity.

In distinction, in accordance with eternalism, the previous, current, and future all exist.1 Eternalism is the idea of time supported positively by fashionable physics and advocated by the vast majority of philosophers.2 However does this conception of time battle with my earlier advocacy of compatibilism relating to free will vs determinism?

I too endorse eternalism—a view of time additionally known as the block universe. Actually, extra philosophers defend eternalism as their temporal ontology than presentism and the rising block idea combined.2

The central concept for the doable incompatibility of free will and eternalism stems from the truth that eternalism considers “completely different occasions as being as actual as completely different locations, and future occasions are “already there” in the identical sense different locations are already there.”3 Nevertheless after some research I’ve concluded that the 2 are appropriate.

In probably the most related and up to date peer-reviewed journal article I learn the writer states that “the concept eternalism threatens our freedom is problematic” and “The conviction that eternalism threatens our freedom is based on a firmer grasp on eternalism than anybody ought to profess to have.” In brief, it doesn’t appear there are definitive causes to doubt that (my sort of) compatibilism and eternalism battle.

Nevertheless, researching this subject briefly—as I had lately completed with free will—jogged my memory 1) that I’d have to learn and digest all the pieces written on the subject to have a completely knowledgeable view; 2) #1 is not possible in a finite lifetime; and three) even when I achieved #1 (not possible!) I nonetheless wouldn’t know the reply to my query with certainty.

And I’ve come to the identical conclusion about so lots of the philosophical puzzles I’ve encountered in a lifetime of research—we merely don’t know the solutions to life’s large questions. For the second then, mental honesty calls for residing with out being certain, tolerating ambiguity in regards to the large questions.

For solutions to these large questions, we’d like higher brains.



  1. There’s one other view known as the growing block theory of time the place the previous and current exist however not the longer term.
  2. From Philosophy Imprint (Eternalism 40%, Presentism 18%, Rising Block 17%, Different 25%.)
  3. From Wikipedia.

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