What causes dry mouth and how to remedy it


Thirsty, parched, cotton-mouthed – we’ve got loads of phrases to explain the sensation of a dry mouth. That’s as a result of dry mouth may be so widespread. For most individuals, a hearty chug of water does the trick to “moist your whistle.” However typically, irrespective of how a lot you drink, nothing quenches a dry mouth.

The sensation or sensation of a dry mouth, referred to as xerostomia, generally is a completely regular response to dehydration or stress. However in some instances of power dry mouth, the physique might not be making sufficient saliva, or one thing has altered saliva composition. Beneath, we’ll discover what causes dry mouth, the best way to treatment it and when to see a physician for assist.

The place saliva comes from and why it’s necessary

Saliva, generally referred to as spit, is a watery fluid that coats the mouth and retains it moist. Though it’s 98% water, the opposite 2% of saliva consists of electrolytes, enzymes, minerals, mucus, proteins and antibacterial compounds. Saliva is integral to oral health as a result of it prevents tooth decay and gum illness, and helps break down meals as we chew it, making it simpler to swallow. It is also necessary for our sense of style and our potential to talk.

Nearly all of saliva comes from three pairs of salivary glands:

  • Sublingual salivary glands on the backside of the mouth
  • Submandibular salivary glands beneath the jaw
  • Parotid salivary glands in entrance of the ears

The saliva produced by these glands enters the mouth via branching tubes situated beneath the pores and skin referred to as ducts. The manufacturing of saliva is managed by the autonomic nervous system. This implies it’s computerized – we don’t have to consider it. Nerves situated in and across the face and mouth talk with the salivary glands to make saliva when extra is required.

Saliva contributes to general well being

Due to its antimicrobial properties, saliva is a vital a part of the immune system. When your mouth is uncovered to germs – from the meals you eat or the air you breathe – your saliva acts as a barrier. It neutralizes these germs earlier than they will enter the remainder of your physique and make you sick. On the identical time, your saliva maintains a wholesome, balanced microbiome of fine micro organism in your mouth, serving to to guard your tooth, gums and tongue from illness.

Uncomfortable side effects of persistent dry mouth

Having an occasional dry mouth just isn’t a trigger for concern past being a slight annoyance. In case your mouth is persistently dry, nevertheless, you might begin to discover the extra extreme and disruptive signs of xerostomia (dry mouth), like:

  • Altered sense of style
  • Cracked lips and mouth corners
  • Dry, textured tongue
  • Hoarse voice or issue talking
  • Facial swelling
  • Sore throat
  • Thick, stringy saliva
  • Hassle chewing and swallowing

When there’s not sufficient saliva in your mouth, unhealthy micro organism, viruses and fungus can collect and multiply, resulting in:

  • Dangerous breath
  • A burning sensation within the mouth
  • Cavities
  • Gum disease
  • Frequent mouth sores
  • Thrush (a yeast an infection within the mouth)

Causes of dry mouth

Xerostomia is usually related to hypofunction, which is when the salivary glands produce low saliva, or the glands aren’t working appropriately to provide a standard movement or composition of saliva.

Prescription remedy, smoking cigarettes and never consuming sufficient water are a couple of of the various causes of dry mouth. Typically, it may be the results of a number of components.


Dry mouth is a typical facet impact of a number of over-the-counter and prescription medicines, together with:

  • Antihistamines
  • Blood stress remedy, like diuretics
  • Decongestants
  • Medicines that deal with anxiousness and despair, particularly tricyclic antidepressants
  • Muscle relaxers
  • Ache relievers
  • Parkinson’s illness medicines


It’s widespread for older adults to experience frequent dry mouth. It’s because, as we become older, we are able to change into extra inclined to the unwanted side effects from numerous medicines, together with dry mouth unwanted side effects.

The aged are additionally extra vulnerable to dehydration as a result of they could not really feel thirst as acutely. Plus, the extent of sodium within the physique decreases over time, and with decrease sodium ranges, the physique doesn’t retain as a lot water.

Most cancers remedy

Several types of cancer treatment can disrupt the pure stability of your mouth and trigger unwanted side effects like dry mouth. For instance, radiation remedy to the top and neck can destroy the cells which are answerable for producing saliva. Chemotherapy, immunotherapy or different medicinal therapies can dry out your mouth or alter the thickness of your saliva.

Discuss to your most cancers care staff in case you are experiencing dry mouth. Your physician could prescribe or suggest mouthwashes, sprays or rinses to assist alleviate discomfort and manage the side effects of the cancer treatment.

Harm, sickness or an infection

An harm to the top or neck space can harm the nerves that assist the salivary glands perform correctly. Moreover, sure situations that include nasal congestion – like the common cold and flu or a deviated septum – can pressure you to breathe via your mouth. When this occurs, the inhaled and exhaled air dries out the wholesome coating of saliva in your mouth, leading to a dry mouth.

When micro organism and viruses (together with COVID-19) invade the salivary glands and surrounding ducts, the ensuing irritation is called sialadenitis. Sialadenitis disrupts salivary gland perform and could also be accompanied by swelling, ache and fever.

Salivary stones, also called sialoliths, may be one other wrongdoer of salivary gland swelling and, subsequently, dry mouth. Salivary stones kind when the minerals contained inside saliva harden and block salivary gland ducts, growing the probability of sialadenitis. There are various potential causes of salivary stones, together with insufficient water consumption, sure medicines and tobacco smoking.

Persistent well being situations

Persistent dry mouth is a facet impact of some power diseases. These embrace:

  • Bronchial asthma – Individuals with bronchial asthma usually really feel as in the event that they’re not getting sufficient air, inflicting them to mouth breathe to compensate. The medication in inhalers also can dry out the mouth.
  • HIV – The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can intervene along with your salivary glands and their manufacturing of saliva, making it arduous to maintain your mouth adequately moist. Persistent dry mouth generally is a widespread facet impact of early HIV an infection.
  • Hepatitis C virus – Early an infection with the hepatitis C virus can include delicate signs, or no signs in any respect. Signs change into extra noticeable as soon as the an infection turns into power. Dry mouth generally is a symptom of power HCV if the hep C virus causes irritation within the salivary glands.
  • Sjogren’s syndrome – As an autoimmune illness, Sjogren’s syndrome includes the immune system attacking fluid-producing glands all through the physique, together with the salivary glands. This hinders their potential to make sufficient saliva.
  • Diabetes – Hyperglycemia, or excessive blood sugar, can dry out the mouth, though medical doctors aren’t but certain why. Managing your blood sugar ranges can assist you keep away from this and different unwanted side effects of diabetes.
  • Thyroid illness – Each hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) can intervene with the physique’s hormone stability. This will have an effect on the salivary glands and result in dry mouth.

Additionally, the issues with swallowing that many individuals expertise after a stroke could cause dry mouth.


A dry mouth is among the first indicators that your physique is turning into dehydrated. Do not forget that saliva is 98% water, and whenever you’re dehydrated, your physique doesn’t have sufficient water to make as a lot saliva as you want. Remember to drink water all through the day to stop dehydration, particularly in the event you’re lively or spending time in hot weather.

Alcohol, tobacco and drug use

Consuming alcohol and utilizing tobacco or different leisure medication, like marijuana, could cause or exacerbate dry mouth and worsen any oral well being issues. For those who’re affected by dry mouth, keep away from alcohol, tobacco and marijuana.

In some instances, relieving a dry mouth is so simple as making a couple of life-style modifications.

Drink sufficient water every day

Keep away from dehydration and forestall dry mouth by consuming water all through the day. In line with the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, males want 3.7 liters of water and ladies want 2.7 liters every day to remain adequately hydrated. However that quantity can change primarily based in your particular person exercise degree and the way a lot you sweat.

Spray water into your mouth

These experiencing salivary hypofunction (insufficient saliva manufacturing or dysfunctional salivary glands) could wish to swish with water or use a small spray bottle or atomizer to spray water of their mouths. This allows you to moisten the oral tissue with out swallowing what saliva you’ll have.

Attempt to breathe via your nostril, not your mouth

Make a concerted effort to breathe principally via your nostril, particularly at night time, to keep away from drying out your mouth. Respiratory via your nostril at night time means you gained’t get up with a mouth that’s bone dry, and also you would possibly discover that you simply’re extra properly rested. This may be difficult to do throughout sleep in the event you’re accustomed to mouth respiration. So attempt elevating your head with a pillow, positioning your self in your facet in mattress, and making certain nothing is obstructing your sinuses or nasal passages.

If respiration via your nostril appears troublesome or not possible, you’ll have a deviated septum. Your major care supplier can assist diagnose your respiration challenges, and refer you for specialised ear, nose and throat (ENT) remedy, if wanted.

Use a humidifier in your house

Dry air could make for a dry mouth. Maintain the air in your house, particularly your bed room, at a snug moisture degree – round 30-50% humidity – with a humidifier. Place the humidifier on the nightstand, ideally, or different spots near the place you sleep.

Therapeutic massage the salivary glands

Utilizing therapeutic massage methods on the salivary glands can enhance the movement of saliva naturally. With two fingers, apply mild stress beginning on the decrease entrance of the ear and sliding alongside the cheek, slightly below the cheekbone. Do the identical straight beneath the jawbone, transferring fingers from again to entrance.

Devour meals and liquids that stimulate saliva manufacturing

Along with water, sure meals – like sugar-free gum, popsicles or lozenges – assist us salivate greater than others. And when we’ve got dry mouth, that is precisely what we’d like. You might also discover it useful to chew on ice.

Keep away from sure drying meals and drinks

You’ll be able to assist forestall dry mouth by avoiding spicy, acidic and scorching meals, and refraining from meals which are crunchy, chewy, arduous or dry. This additionally contains meals that soak up saliva, like breads and crackers, and diuretics like espresso. Select a food plan that consists principally of soppy, bland meals with a excessive liquid content material, like soups, stews and meals with gravy or different sauces.

Attempt synthetic saliva

There are a number of manufacturers of over-the-counter synthetic saliva obtainable to quickly relieve the signs of dry mouth. Whereas synthetic saliva can present a protecting layer of moisture over mouth tissue, it doesn’t stimulate the salivary glands. Plus, synthetic saliva is lacking the useful compounds that help in oral well being and digestion.

When to see a physician or dentist for dry mouth remedy

In case you are experiencing persistent dry mouth, you might wish to see your primary care doctor or a dentist. Make an appointment if:

  • Scaly white patches seem inside your mouth
  • Your mouth begins to burn or sting
  • Swallowing turns into very troublesome

Your physician or dentist can assist decide the underlying explanation for your dry mouth and work with you to create a customized remedy plan that might embrace particular mouthwashes or oral sprays to encourage saliva manufacturing. Your major care supplier can refer you to a specialist or recommend different therapies in case your prescription drugs is the explanation behind your dry mouth.

Persistent dry mouth is extra than simply uncomfortable – it could possibly be your physique telling you that one thing extra is occurring. Take note of the indicators your physique is sending and speak to a physician in case your signs don’t go away over time.


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