A Goodbye And Thank You!



Whats up!

I’ll get proper to the purpose for the reason that title of this publish tells you precisely what is going on.  Sure, I’m closing down this weblog.  

I wished to say to every one in every of you – thanks a lot for being right here!  I’m nonetheless amazed that over 3,000 of you proceed to cease by day by day.  What began as a approach to share our lives with household and associates scattered around the globe become a spot the place individuals I had by no means met stopped in.  I had by no means imagined it might flip into that!  

I’ve been sharing bits of our lives right here since 2009 and have struggled the previous 4-5 years with what to share now that we’re inundated with a lot of the identical sort of data.  Thanks for following together with us as we turned our small property right into a homestead.  A lot of you’ve gotten been with us as we adopted our 2 frenchies and a couple of loopy cats, started gardening & rising fruit and veg, elevating a flock of chickens, elevating and processing meat birds, began our enterprise, and commenced working and residing full-time on our homestead.

I’ve taken a 2 month break to let the considered closing the weblog down sit with me. And it feels proper.  Throughout this break I’ve just about stayed offline, as a lot as is feasible with operating an internet small enterprise.  It has been good and one thing I plan to proceed with.

I do have fb and instagram websites, nevertheless, I’ll truthfully let you know that I not often publish on both.  Facebook I’ve switched just about to a enterprise web page with updates on our cleaning soap firm solely, although I not often bear in mind to publish there.  Instagram – I’ve 2 pages: CobbleHillFarmSoap (the place I publish sometimes for the cleaning soap firm) and CobbleHillFarm (the place I supposed to publish homesteading).  I’ll let you know that I am truthfully unsure how a lot I’ll publish at @CobbleHillFarm on instagram going ahead.  Solely time will inform.   I’ve by no means been a fan of these social media websites so it is one thing that I battle with.

Thanks a lot for stopping by, commenting, emailing, asking questions, and sharing bits of your individual lives with me.  I’ve been so grateful for all of it.

Wishing you all the easiest going ahead!



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