My Quiet Life in Suffolk: April Days



From the ebook ‘The Illustrated E book of Days’ Art work by Eugene Grasset


I open huge the portals of the Spring

  To welcome the procession of the flowers,

With their homosexual banners, and the birds that sing

  Their music of songs from their aerial towers.

I soften with my sunshine and my showers

  The coronary heart of earth; with ideas of love I glide

Into the hearts of males; and with the Hours

  Upon the Bull with wreathed horns I experience.  

from Longfellow; the poets calendar

Absolutely we could have some higher climate in April? I do know all about April Showers bringing forth Might flowers however we have actually had sufficient showers in January, February and March and will do with some dry climate. Though a lot of the outdated climate sayings favor a moist month

A dry April

Not the farmer’s will

April moist

is what we must always get 


April moist, good wheat


April has thirty days, and if it rained on thirty-one,

no hurt can be finished.

Get pleasure from your Financial institution Vacation Monday, it turned a vacation with the Financial institution Vacation’s Act of 1871, earlier than that individuals solely had Good Friday and Christmas Break day work.

Again Tomorrow



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