I’m a Gynea – here’s what nobody really tells you about your vaginal health


Guide Gynaecologist, & Menopause Specialist Dr Jo Bailey, NHS and personal, shares her insights on a number of the most typical vaginal well being points to pay attention to 

Gen Z and Millennial ladies get a lot of their vaginal well being data on-line or from social media and it’s the Wild West on the market with a lot misinformation from ‘Vaginal Steaming’ (thanks, Gwyneth!) to wasp nests within the vagina, the newest (ouch!) craze for vaginal tightening.   

Burning, soreness, itching, uncommon discharges – in terms of vaginal well being, there’s nothing that Dr Jo Bailey, Guide Gynaecologist, Oncologist and Menopause Specialist at College Hospitals Bristol NHS Belief hasn’t come throughout in her a few years of follow. 

‘I’ve spent a lot of my working life speaking about vaginas, and making an attempt to enhance the vaginal well being of the girl I see,’ says Dr Bailey. 

‘But, one factor that’s actually clear is how little ladies, and their companions, learn about vaginas, and that features fundamental anatomy.  The vagina both tends to be sexualised, or related to childbirth and menstruation.  It’s by no means considered an organ that must be sorted and stored wholesome in its personal proper. 

The vagina, for instance, doesn’t want douching or steaming or dowsing with intimate, fragranced sprays

‘Whereas the developments in Major Care proper now, are more and more shifting in direction of higher ‘self care’ and preventative options, there’s nonetheless an actual lack of dependable data out there to ladies who’re experiencing issues. Should you search on the internet, this may throw up some very unreliable materials. 

‘The vagina, for instance, doesn’t want douching or steaming or dowsing with intimate, fragranced sprays. It’s naturally self-cleaning and such practices could make issues worse. One other concern is antibiotic resistance, the present method is to deal with many widespread vaginal issues as an an infection, and to achieve for antibiotics.

‘However that doesn’t all the time work, and girls are searching for alternate options, and so am I. To maintain the vagina wholesome, that you must deal with the foundation trigger with a view to cease  repeated flare ups.’

READ MORE: The vaginal condition you’ve never heard of – that’s more common than thrush

The Vaginal Microbiome 

‘There may be at the moment an explosion of analysis to point out there’s a clear correlation between the vaginal microbiome and vaginal well being,’ says Dr Bailey.

‘So, one of many key issues to maintain the vagina wholesome is to take care of the vaginal microbiome. Identical to your intestine, the vagina incorporates an ecosystem of microbes (e.g.: micro organism, pure yeasts) that make up the vaginal microbiome. However, in contrast to intestine micro organism, the vaginal microbiome is much less various, and solely wants a really choose vary of microbes to maintain it wholesome.

However, how does this work?

‘The nice micro organism (lactobacilli) ought to outnumber ‘unfriendly’ micro organism’ says Dr Elisabet Nordstrom, Head of International Scientific Advisory at Novonesis, Copenhagen.

‘Analysis reveals that the best vaginal microbiome wants a majority of simply three or 4 important lactobacillus species. These embrace Lactobacillus crispatus,Llactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus jensenii and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

‘These important pleasant bacterial strains assist to take care of a super vaginal acidic pH and a spread of anti-microbial compounds which shield the vagina from an infection.

‘The nice micro organism produce lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, which creates the optimum acidic pH surroundings (between 3.8 and 4.5) within the vagina’.

When pH ranges are too excessive (above 4.5) this causes dangerous micro organism to proliferate and might result in widespread infections

‘Lactic acid lowers the pH of the vagina and along with hydrogen peroxide creates an surroundings that’s unfriendly to pathogens.’

The pH is a time period used to explain how acidic or alkaline a fluid is (measured on a scale of 1-14). Issues happen when there’s an imbalance within the vagina’s pH ranges. 

‘When pH ranges are too excessive (above 4.5) this causes dangerous micro organism to proliferate and might result in widespread infections resembling bacterial vaginosis (BV), urinary tract infections (UTIs) and thrush (candida),’ provides Dr Nordstrom.

‘A wholesome microbiome that has optimum ranges of important, pleasant micro organism affords safety in opposition to the expansion of ‘dangerous’ (anaerobic) micro organism and can assist to stop many widespread infections.

The best approach to discover out in case your pH is in steadiness is by utilizing a easy DIY pH check.

Strive: VJJ Vaginal pH test Kit, £6.95 


When the Vaginal Microbiome Goes Flawed – what that you must learn about widespread vaginal well being issues…

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) 

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a typical vaginal an infection that impacts one in three ladies within the UK.  It isn’t categorised as a sexually transmitted an infection and will happen for all kinds of causes – e.g, having an IUD fitted and leaving tampons in for too lengthy. 

The principle signs of BV are a definite ‘fishy’ odour, an irregular discharge, often white or gray, and discomfort, soreness or itching. Some ladies mistake it for thrush. So, it’s vital to get a correct prognosis.

BV is the most typical reason behind vaginal discharge in ladies aged 15 to 44 years previous and impacts between 23 to 50 per cent of girls.

‘BV may be extraordinarily distressing as a result of it causes such a smelly, offensive discharge,’ says Dr Bailey. 

‘I see ladies come into the clinic feeling very upset and saying: ‘all people can odor me and it’s actually embarrassing’,  they’re additionally throwing out their underwear  as a result of they’ll’t eliminate the odor.’

Half of girls with BV wouldn’t have any signs, however, left untreated, BV also can have a variety of different penalties.

The principle signs of BV are a definite ‘fishy’ odour, an irregular discharge, often white or gray, and discomfort, soreness or itching

‘BV can have an effect on being pregnant, resulting in late miscarriage and early labour’, says Dr Bailey.

‘It’s related to an elevated threat of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HPV (the virus that’s related to cervical most cancers), and it could possibly additionally cut back the success price for assisted conception.

‘The most recent analysis reveals that BV is said to an imbalance of the microbiome, the place there’s an overgrowth of unfriendly micro organism. However, we all know that even when BV is handled with antibiotics, greater than 50 per cent of girls can have a recurrence of signs inside 6 months.

‘Antibiotics can work within the short-term, however finally, they create imbalances, each to the intestine and vaginal microbiomes (by wiping out good micro organism) which makes recurrent infections extra probably. Plus, decreasing over prescribing of antibiotics is a precedence. 

‘So, for long-term aid and sustained prevention, it’s essential to work on rebalancing the vaginal microbiome. A technique to do that is by supplementing a nutritious diet with the suitable probiotic strains of micro organism which have been clinically proven  to assist rebalance the vaginal microbiome.’  

What you are able to do… 

Should you discover any modifications (in odor or color) to your regular discharge, see your GP or ask for a referral to a gynaecologist or sexual well being clinic.  

Take a each day probiotic complement for vaginal well being.

Strive: VJJ Perfect V, £26 which incorporates the proper strains of vaginal probiotics that the vagina wants to take care of a wholesome vaginal microbiome – £26 for one month’s provide. 

perfect V food supplement for vaginal health


Thrush (vulvovaginal candiasis) is a yeast an infection attributable to the candida albicans fungus.

‘Candida is a yeast that happens naturally within the vagina,’ says Dr Bailey. 

‘All of us have it, but when there’s an overgrowth of it, then you definitely get what is named thrush. Typical signs embrace a white, odourless discharge (like cottage cheese), itching and irritation across the vagina and vulva, soreness and stinging, throughout intercourse or while you pee and redness. 

Round 75 per cent of girls will expertise some type of thrush inside their lifetime

‘It happens when the steadiness of micro organism modifications within the vaginal microbiome, for instance, throughout being pregnant, whereas taking antibiotics, and even when you’re underneath a number of stress.

‘Round 75 per cent of girls will expertise some type of thrush inside their lifetime. The ladies I see in my clinic are sometimes very depressing, they really feel sore, itchy self-conscious and thrush and sometimes intercourse is out of the query. 

‘Once they get to this stage, they’ve misplaced all confidence in standard remedies. They need to know why they preserve getting it.   

‘What they’re searching for is a substitute for the present remedies that we now have. That is the place I speak to them about rebalancing the vaginal microbiome and advocate they take particular probiotics to assist eliminate their signs.’

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) 

‘As much as 50% of girls will expertise a UTI of their lifetime,’ says Dr Bailey. 

‘They have an inclination to have an effect on youthful ladies and are most frequently associated to sexual exercise and are additionally widespread in older menopausal ladies.

‘UTIs are most frequently attributable to micro organism and have an effect on the urinary tract, together with the bladder (cystitis), urethra (urethritis) or kidneys (kidney an infection).

One of many causes ladies are notably vulnerable to UTIs is that their urethras are a lot shorter than mens

‘Typical signs could embrace ache or a burning sensation when peeing, needing to pee extra urgently and steadily than ordinary and urine that appears cloudy, darkish or has a powerful odor. You may additionally really feel ache in your tummy or decrease again, really feel feverish and shivery and there could even be blood in your pee.

‘One of many causes ladies are notably vulnerable to UTIs is that their urethras are a lot shorter than mens. This enables micro organism to get into the bladder. 

‘The principle micro organism inflicting UTIs is e-coli, which may really hold onto the liner of the bladder. That’s the reason a number of ladies get recurrent infections, as a result of they’re not eliminating the e-coli itself. However, more and more, we’re seeing antibiotic resistance within the therapy of UTIs. So, we have to have a look at alternate options’. 

What You Can Do… 
  • Speak to your GP who will prepare a urine check.  In lots of instances, signs usually resolve with self-help techniques. Listed here are some issues you are able to do: 
  • Drink loads of water to flush out your system. 
  • All the time go to the bathroom instantly after intercourse. 
  • Ensure you wipe entrance to entrance.  
  • Don’t use excessive perfumed merchandise and positively don’t use merchandise that promise to ‘freshen your vagina.’  
  • When you’ve got recurrent thrush, attempt to discover extra pure sanitary merchandise and don’t use scented ones.  
  • Take particular probiotics for thrush. 

Should you haven’t received sufficient wholesome micro organism in your vaginal microbiome, this lowers immunity and might make you extra vulnerable to UTIs. 

Analysis reveals that particular probiotic strains of micro organism can inhibit the expansion of dangerous micro organism, which generally results in UTIs.

Strive: VJJ Ultimate UT, from £26 to assist forestall recurrent UTI points.

Ultimate UT from VJJ is  a ladies’s complement for UTIs containing a strong mixture of clinically researched strains of lactobacillus to assist help the well being of the vagina microbiome and alleviate signs of UTIs. 

The method of those dietary supplements for UTIs additionally combines D-Mannose, a pure plant sugar. D-mannose is considered one of NICE’s self-care suggestions for ladies with recurrent UTIs. Analysis reveals it could possibly inhibit the micro organism that trigger UTIs.

READ MORE: From menopause to UTI symptoms – a Doctor’s Guide to everyday women’s health concerns


Your pH and Vaginal Well being 

In the course of the Menstrual Cycle 

‘In youthful ladies, the vaginal microbiome goes by completely different phases through the menstrual cycle,’ says Dr Bailey. 

‘On these days when oestrogen drops (eg: simply after ovulation and through the premenstrual section) this may trigger modifications in pH ranges which have an effect on the vaginal microbiome. 

‘These modifications may be counteracted by taking a probiotic with the proper strains of Lactobacillus help your vaginal microbiome and preserve your pH within the ultimate vary. This will even assist to cut back the danger of infections.’

Blood has a pH of seven.4, so throughout your interval your pH is elevated. Normally, your physique can deal with the distinction. However, if you’re inclined to infections round your interval, attempt taking the suitable probiotics to assist help your vaginal microbiome over this time. 

In the course of the Menopause 

‘After menopause there’s a dramatic drop in oestrogen which may trigger modifications within the vaginal microbiome,’ says Dr Bailey.

‘This could alter the pH steadiness and result in a discount in pleasant micro organism. Hormonal modifications also can have an effect on the pores and skin within the vagina partitions. Low oestrogen could cause pores and skin to change into extra delicate, and typically result in vaginal atrophy, and his is why ladies are extra vulnerable to UTIs as they become old.

‘This was highlighted in a latest research (Diagnostics, 2023) the place it was proven that lowered oestrogen ranges can result in a rise in vaginal pH, altering the vaginal microbiome. This leads to lowered ranges of protecting lactobacillus strains.’ 

READ MORE: ‘Menopause symptoms ruined my sex life but this device helped me get it back’ 



Once you’re breastfeeding, oestrogen ranges are low, which may additionally result in modifications in pH ranges and have an effect on the vaginal microbiome. 

Breast Most cancers Therapy 

‘Ladies both with or who’ve skilled breast most cancers are sometimes on drugs that completely suppress their oestrogen ranges. So, identical to in menopause, this may make the vaginal microbiome extra inclined to infections so caring for your microbiome right now is extremely vital,’ says Dr Bailey. 

‘In case you are on hormone-blocking remedies and you retain getting recurrent UTI, communicate to your oncologist, who can refer you to a gynaecologist.’ 

thumbnail_VJJ_Headshots_HR-1-1-scaled.jpeg Dr Jo Bailey is a Guide NHS Gynaecologist and in addition  sees ladies privately at Spire Hospital and Nuffield Well being.  

Dr Jo Bailey graduated from Glasgow College Medical College in 1993 and accomplished coaching in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Newcastle. She moved to the South-West for superior coaching in gynaecological most cancers therapy and by no means left, being appointed as a guide in 2006. 

As a longtime guide gynaecologist, Jo brings her expertise and experience in taking care of ladies throughout the vary of gynaecological points in any respect levels of life to VJJ Well being.

Jo joins VJJ Well being as our senior advisor on all issues gynaecological and retains our information on monitor. 

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