Robert H. Kane (1938-2024) – Daily Nous


Robert H. Kane, professor emeritus of philosophy on the College of Texas at Austin, has died.

David Sosa, chair of the Division of Philosophy at UT Austin, shared the next memorial discover:

The Division of Philosophy at UT Austin mourns the passing of its longtime member Robert Kane, who was College Distinguished Educating Professor and Professor of Philo­sophy (Emeritus).

The writer of seven books and greater than eighty articles on the philosophy of thoughts, free will and motion, ethics, worth idea, political philosophy and philosophy of faith, inclu­ding Free Will and ValuesBy way of the Ethical MazeThe Signifi­cance of Free Will (inaugural winner of the Hamilton School Ebook Award), A Contem­pora­ry Introduction to Free Will, and Ethics and the Quest for Knowledge, Kane was additionally editor of The Ox­ford Handbook of Free Will.

Kane was the recipient of seventeen main instructing awards on the College of Texas, together with the “Presi­dent’s Excellence Award,” and was in 1995 named one of many preliminary members of the Universi­ty’s Aca­demy of Distin­guished Tea­chers.

Lengthy a number one defender of a standard “libertarian” view of free will, Kane was recognized for his makes an attempt to reconcile such a view with trendy science, and to articulate its implications for ethics, politics, and regulation.

[This post will be updated later today with further information.]


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