Me-Made-May 2024


Each of the “Pandemic Orchids” have been blooming for greater than a month.  4/14/2024

It’s Could 1st which suggests it’s time to kick off Me-Made-May.

Ginger was an enormous fan of the Greatful Dead bear curtains.  She will’t resist being in the course of no matter I’m engaged on.  She’s a wise woman and is aware of that is the place the petting motion will probably be.  1/23/2024

Right here is my 2024 goal.  

“I, BLD in MT, pledge to put on one in all My Dresses (aka the Simplicity 2174) not less than 3 times every week all through Could 2024.”

My mother gave me an African Violet plant final 12 months.  It’s going nuts with blooms.  4/30/2024

I’ve made lots of these clothes over time.  They had been my go-to for years and years.  It was mainly my uniform.  I do not personal all of them anymore.  Some had been failures and a few have been retired as a result of they had been such successes that I wore them out.  Some I simply did not like in addition to I anticipated.  Even those that I nonetheless have within the closet do not see as a lot put on as they used to although.  Therefore the 2024 pledge.  I’ll see if I can resolve why that’s…and if it issues or not!  I will report again in June.

Ginger, as soon as once more, demonstrating that smack dab in the course of the stitching occasion is her favourite place to be.  4/16/2024


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