Choshin’s ‘Ancestors’ Error’ (2)


Choshin stated, “Folks say that the Buddha transmitted the dharma to Mahakasyapa in secret and shared his seat with him. The individuals attending the discuss ought to have spat within the Buddha’s face. As a result of they didn’t try this, their offspring are nonetheless in calamity now.”

Scholar: “What’s the error that these historic individuals made?”
Grasp: “They misled their offspring into believing that the Buddha did what he hadn’t completed.”
Scholar: “What was it that the Buddha did?”
Grasp: “He transmitted the dharma to Mahakasyapa in secret and shared his seat with him.”

Folks don’t know what the Buddha’s reward is like, as a result of they dropped and broke it into items when the Buddha handed it to them.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway


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