8 Differences Between Sheep and Goats to Tell Them Apart • New Life On A Homestead


In the case of most livestock species, you’ll not often have hassle telling them aside. Positive, with no little homework and dealing data, it’s troublesome to inform totally different breeds aside, however no person will get pigs and horses combined up. Nevertheless, in terms of sheep and goats, it may be very easy to confuse them!

a sheep (left) vs a goat (proper)

They each have the identical type of weight-reduction plan, the identical physique plan, and are about the identical measurement. In addition they each have these bizarre rectangular pupils of their eyes. The sounds they make are even related!

Clearly, this received’t be a problem for you when you solely have one or the opposite. However you probably have each, or simply wish to sound like a professional when speaking to different homesteaders, it pays to have the ability to establish them on sight.

Maintain studying, and I’ll be telling you about eight methods to inform sheep and goats aside on this article.

Have a look at the Higher Lip, First

Probably the greatest and most dependable methods to inform sheep and goats aside is to take a look at the higher lip. Their faces in any other case, for probably the most half, look fairly related, however there’s one characteristic that can all the time betray the distinction, and that’s the presence of a separation within the lip instantly beneath the nostril.

That is referred to as a philtrum. Sheep have it; goats don’t. Observe that this isn’t the crease that’s just under their nostrils, however an precise notch within the lip itself. This provides sheep an look that vaguely appears like pursed lips, whereas goats’ lips seem like a straight line when at relaxation.

Verify the Tails

One other extremely dependable indicator to inform the 2 aside is their tails, and this technique is particularly fast and simple even at a distance. Most goats have tails that time upward in a slight curve or angle when at relaxation – assuming they aren’t frightened, anxious, injured, or sick. The tails of sheep dangle downward.

Angora goat doe
An Angora goat doe. Discover its tail pointing barely up…

Observe that even when a sheep’s tail is docked, or in the reduction of, for hygiene causes, it’s going to nonetheless dangle down after the process. So when you see a proud tail, likelihood is it’s a goat!

Coat Variations

One of the vital speedy variations between goats and sheep is the character of their coat. The overwhelming majority of sheep breeds have a wool coat, which tends to tackle a curly, layered, or matted look, whereas goats have hair.

Accordingly, sheep would require shearing at the very least yearly with a view to hold their wool beneath management, or else they may develop thicker and thicker over time.

Goats, alternatively, shed naturally and don’t want a visit to the barber like sheep do. Goats additionally are inclined to have beards, lengthy tufts, or clumps of hair beneath their chin and alongside the jowls on the neck.

Dimension and Construct

Most folk I’ve talked to, those who don’t know so much about livestock, have a picture of their thoughts that sheep are merely so much larger than goats. This isn’t true going off averages and not a helpful rule of thumb.

On common, goats and sheep are typically about the identical measurement, though there are extra miniature breeds of goat than sheep, like Pygmies, Nigerian Dwarfs, and Mini Myotonics.

The typical for goats and sheep is about 120 to 150 kilos, and standing about 24 inches tall on the shoulder. Nonetheless, sheep are typically stockier and placed on extra fats in comparison with goats, in order that they usually look a lot bulkier, particularly along with their wool.

Goats, broadly, have a leaner and extra athletic look.

sheep after they were sheared
Sheep after they had been sheared. Discover the large, curved horns…

Sheep Horns Are Normally Thick and Curvy

One other disappointment is that you could’t rely on the presence or absence of horns that will help you inform these two species aside. Each can have horns; there are breeds inside each species which will or might not characteristic horns relying on their lineage, and each breeds can have their horns disbudded or eliminated later in life.

Much more requires confusion, women and men alike, of these species, can have horns of their very own although as regular males are inclined to have horns which are bigger and thicker.

That’s additionally guideline for telling these two aside: sheep are inclined to have horns which are thicker, which means larger circumference, which additionally curve, curl, or loop again on themselves. Goat horns are slender and extra spike-like and are typically solely gently curving or straight.

Massive and elaborate curly horns belong to sheep!

Foraging Conduct

Each sheep and goats are considered lawn-mowing animals, which means they’ll simply stroll back and forth in your property consuming nothing however grass, however that is an error in terms of goats.

Goats, strictly talking, are browsers, not grazers. This implies they have a tendency to roam round taking the perfect bits from numerous crops, together with stuff that’s up above the floor. Sheep are true grazers, consuming a lot of crops and grass that develop proper at floor stage or solely barely above it.

In the event you’re watching each species out in a pasture, goats may have their heads up when consuming way more usually, whereas sheep are inclined to have their heads down just about always when consuming.

a herd of Icelandic sheep
a herd of Icelandic sheep

Flock/Herd Conduct

For probably the most important distinction between these two species is with reference to their social habits. Sheep are true flocking animals, whereas goats exist in a herd construction.

There’s appreciable overlap in these two social buildings, however many variations additionally…

Sheep flock, often when their numbers are between 4 and 6. They like to be very shut to one another always, and a flock will comply with a frontrunner with out deviation besides in instances of accident or after they’re left no different selection.

Sheep which are separated from their friends for any size of time will shortly turn into anxious after which burdened. Flock sizes for sheep may also be fairly massive, averaging round 50 and typically exceeding that quantity significantly.

Goats, alternatively, like to stay collectively however they’re way more snug exploring, roaming, and separating from one another over a bigger space although they have a tendency to return collectively for sleeping or in occasions of hazard or excessive chilly.

Goats are like sheep in that they want the corporate of different goats to be wholesome and well-adjusted, however even one or simply two different goats are sufficient to fulfill this social requirement. As numbers develop, herds will break up aside into teams of between 15 and 20 adults.

baseline for telling goats and sheep aside at a distance is how intently they stick to one another: sheep will transfer round in nearer, trying like an enormous clot at a distance. Goats will likely be extra unfold out even when they’re shifting collectively.


The final solution to inform sheep and goats aside on our record, however actually not the least, is along with your nostril!

Males of each species have scent glands that produce a definite and ugly aroma, or musk. Male sheep, or rams, are a bit aromatic always and get a bit pungent throughout mating season, nevertheless it isn’t too dangerous.

Male goats, referred to as bucks or billies, alternatively, are outrageously smelly at just about all occasions and eye-wateringly nasty through the mating season.

It’s one thing that they are saying you’ll get used to when you personal goats lengthy sufficient, however talking for myself, I by no means did and ultimately removed all of my males. Male sheep, in sharp distinction, are fairly tolerable.

Observe that castrating a male goat will hold him from getting musky and pungent, so hold that in thoughts when you’re attempting to make use of aroma alone to make the dedication. If he’s not intact, you possibly can’t depend on this!

goats vs. sheep Pinterest image


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