Q. Why is it so difficult to see things as they are although we try to see in the way mentioned in the Sutras? – Zen Fools


A. Proneness to divide, to call, to outline, to magnify, or to change the true-Self, wittingly or unwittingly, is a pure weak point of human beings as a result of we now have been hooked on the behavior of following phrases and types all our lives.

The reality is that the true-Self is formless. Solely attempt to see and listen to issues with out attaching any phrases and any photos, irrespective of how holy and great they could seem and sound. This is the reason historic masters would inform their college students to kill the Buddha in the event that they met him. When you adhere to the reality that the true-Self is formless, the Buddha reveals himself naturally.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway


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