Driving While Looking at the Rearview Mirror


Is it good or unhealthy?

The reply is clear after we think about driving down a freeway, eyes locked on the rearview mirror – a sure-fire catastrophe!

What about after we are zipping down life’s freeway heading to the place we wish to be?

The reply could sound a bit counterintuitive. Trying again into our previous life may truly propel us to maneuver ahead and with extra focus and pace.

I don’t imply recollecting our unhealthy recollections.

Reasonably, right here’s the important thing takeaway: the extra we admire how far we’ve got come, the accomplishments achieved, the higher our mindset to maintain making incremental progress towards our purpose.

Actually, I used to be not all the time on this wavelength. I want somebody had dropped this knowledge bomb on me method again when — it may’ve saved me a truckload of hysteria and stress, dodging a few of these nasty potholes alongside the best way.

Specializing in the long run, not progress made

Rising up in a middle-income family, I used to be taught that I ought to all the time be chasing extra.

Gaining information led to the necessity for extra information.

Placing in exhausting work led to the necessity for extra exhausting work.

Studying expertise led to the necessity for extra expertise.

Each time I might notch successful, it might set off my thoughts’s “what’s subsequent” alarm to say “I can solely think about one thing will go flawed, and I’ll be again to sq. one – higher to maneuver on shortly!”

An entire lack of acknowledgement and savoring of success.

Striving for perfection

As a recovering perfectionist, that is nonetheless a tricky one – frankly, the emotions maintain coming again.
Being raised in a hyper-competitive setting, nothing was deemed acceptable besides being impeccable.

Get one of the best grades.

Comply with all the principles.

Be the preferred woman in school.

Get admitted into one of the best faculty.

This want for such excellence in life continued into maturity – snag one of the best job, be beloved and acknowledged by others, exceed work efficiency expectations – the checklist went on.

Anytime I slipped up, my internal voice would go bam! “I’m unfit of the place I’m, I’m a failure! I’m NOT sufficient!”

It made me really feel anxious, unhappy, offended (at myself and people near me), paralyzed from inaction and afraid of taking dangers.

As Brene Brown completely (no pun meant) summed it up “Perfection is a twenty-ton defend that we lug round, pondering it can defend us, when in actual fact it’s the factor that’s actually stopping us from being seen”.

Dwelling others’ desires

Being a perfectionist shouldn’t be about dwelling our greatest life. It’s about dwelling another person’s, consistently needing the approval of different’s. Not being comfy in our personal pores and skin.

My want to cover the warts in my life got here from feeling pressured by societal expectations and household obligations. I believed that fulfilling the imaginative and prescient of success painted by my household and society would deliver me happiness or approval.

However right here’s the kicker, in doing so, I sacrificed my very own authenticity and sense of goal.

A robust answer

My transformation and mindset revolution occurred once I began to consider in three phrases “I’m sufficient”.

Did that simply occur in a single day? Completely not. It was a sluggish burn, notching small wins, celebrating these wins, believing in myself. And most significantly, reflecting on these wins by wanting within the rearview mirror.

Say a gratitude as soon as every week? Win! Have a good time!

Meditate for 10 minutes? Win! Have a good time!

Constructive affirmations in entrance of the mirror for five minutes? Win! Have a good time!

The small wins grew to become habits, habits steadily modified my habits, and simply wanting again and savoring the wins guided me to like me and love my life slightly extra daily.

I acknowledged that true success comes from dwelling in alignment with my very own values and passions, not these imposed upon us by others – I felt FREE!

I measured success primarily based by myself yardstick, not one which was imposed on me. What a novel idea – I may outline my very own success!

Realizing the worth of dwelling within the second and acknowledging my journey’s progress has proven me the trail to a joyful and satisfying life.

It required me – and nonetheless requires me daily – to be intentional with my ideas and actions.

The trail ahead

Recognizing your wins and progress made is a strong device to a cheerful and significant life.

I like to think about our happiness as a jar of marbles. Think about you get up with the jar half full.

A unfavourable thought popping into our mind takes three marbles away from the jar

A cheerful thought provides only one.

So even simply sustaining equilibrium requires constantly replenishing the jar with constructive ideas and intentions (and minimizing the unfavourable ones), thereby sustaining and amplifying our happiness ranges.

The important thing: your happiness as an individual relies on what you measure your self in opposition to

The answer is to measure your self in opposition to… YOU.

Or extra precisely, the previous YOU.

When you’re not but satisfied how a lot progress you’ve gotten made previously, right here’s a fast train:

Shut your eyes, and picture your self 10 years again. Now examine that to your present self and observe the progress. Write it down – progress doesn’t simply imply exterior accomplishments, however any type of development – bodily, emotional, religious, monetary, and many others.

You can be pleasantly shocked (and possibly even shocked) how far you’ve come!

Maintain revisiting this checklist again and again. It’s going to drive a mindset of development. Of success. Of progress.

As advertising and marketing guru and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar famously mentioned “Your enter determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future.”

YOU have the POWER to TRANSFORM. So maintain taking a look at that rearview mirror and measure how far you’ve come alongside, it’s solely going to drive you additional alongside!


Concerning the Writer: Jayashree Chenglath is the founding father of Simplify Being, the place she is empowering lives with easy but profound mindset and behavior shifts. Going from autopilot “doing” to purposeful, impactful “being”. She is a Board-Licensed Wellness Coach, serving to people and companies obtain their targets and desires  –  one step at a time.


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