Q. What does ‘remedies are worse than the disease itself’ mean? – Zen Fools


A. The Buddha mentioned that we sentient beings are affected by the illness of being deluded by illusions which are types and phrases. The illness right here implies the behavior, the dependancy of being deluded by them, and cures the Buddha’s and historic masters’ dharma talks.

The core of the Buddha’s instructing, as talked about beforehand, is to be free from being deluded by photographs and phrases. All of the sutras and all dharma talks by historic masters inform solely two teachings: get rid of, or escape from the dependancy and the way issues seem and sound once we are free of the behavior. Nonetheless, we are inclined to strengthen it reasonably than get rid of it by being deluded by and hooked up to the phrases spoken by the Buddha and historic masters. Then, it’s mentioned that cures are worse than the illness itself.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway


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