The Diamond Sutra (42) – Zen Fools


Half 13-5

“Subhuti, suppose good males and good girls give as many lives because the grains of sand within the Ganges River in charity. If somebody accepts and holds even a four-line verse of this Sutra and explains it to others, his blessings could be rather more.”


The identical phrases have been already talked about partially 8-1, half 11-2 and half 12 repeatedly. We must always admire why the Buddha put a lot emphasis on these phrases. Actually, it’s as a result of accepting and holding even a four-line verse of this Sutra and explaining it to others shouldn’t be simple that he mentioned the identical phrases time and again. Historical masters would say that there are poison and the most effective meals combined collectively within the sutras. This means that whether or not the sutras are both good or dangerous depends upon how we learn them and that they are often extra dangerous than useful once we don’t learn them accurately.

An historical grasp known as Dongan left very succinct phrases relating to the best way to learn the sutras. He mentioned, “If we perceive the true-Self relying on the phrases within the sutras, we would be the enemy of the Buddha.” And added, “If we both miss or misunderstand even a single phrase within the sutras, the sutras will change into Mara’s discuss.” In different phrases, we should always not dwell on phrases when studying the sutras simply because the Buddha informed us to not dwell on something. After we don’t dwell on phrases when studying the sutras, phrases should not phrases anymore. When phrases should not phrases, every single phrase is the operate of the true-Self. In different phrases, when phrases should not phrases, we’re above relying on phrases, and when every single phrase is the operate of the true-Self, one phrase incorporates all the opposite phrases. When one phrase incorporates all the opposite phrases, we can not miss or misunderstand even a single phrase as a result of studying one phrase is studying all. After we face the true-Self in every phrase like this, it’s mentioned that we will deliver lifeless characters again to life and that we all know the best way to learn the sutras.

After we can see and listen to with out dwelling on something, we come to understand that the sutra the Buddha meant shouldn’t be a fabric sutra however the true-Self and that every little thing round us is the grand sutra that’s open on a regular basis. The explanation why he repeated the identical phrases was that he wished to indicate this very sutra to individuals in individual and to indicate the best way to elucidate a four-line verse to others.

Scholar: “What is that this sutra?”

Grasp: “You possibly can’t put it down.”

Scholar: “What’s a four-line verse?”

Grasp: “It will probably’t be written down.”

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway


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