Social Workers Present at International Symposium on Elder Abuse


NASW Social Work Pioneer® and Maryland Chapter member Sandra Edmonds Crewe and Chris Herman, senior follow affiliate at NASW, had been among the many seven social staff invited to current on the USC Judith D. Tamkin Worldwide Symposium on Elder Abuse. The theme was The Elder Mistreatment Ecosystem: Rising Improvements and Evolving Concepts. Within the picture, from left, are Jeanine Yonashiro-Cho, postdoctoral fellow, USC Keck Faculty of Drugs, Sandra Edmonds Crewe, dean at Howard College Faculty of Social Work; E-Shien (Iggy) Chang, assistant professor of gerontology in medication, Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Drugs at Weill Cornell Medical Faculty; and Chris Herman. (Picture credit score: USC Tamkin Symposium on Elder Abuse). 

The Georgia Anetzberger Award was introduced to Patricia Kimball, govt director of the Elder Abuse Institute of Maine (EAIME) and founding father of the Restorative Justice Institute of Maine. This biennial award, established in honor of NASW Social Work Pioneer® and Ohio Chapter member Georgia Anetzberger, acknowledges a person who has contributed excellent service to the sphere of elder abuse. 

Anetzberger, a marketing consultant in personal follow and adjunct college member within the faculties of Drugs and Utilized Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve College, has devoted 50 years—as a practitioner, planner, administrator, researcher, educator, and creator—to stopping and addressing elder abuse. 

The award in Anetzberger’s identify was bestowed upon Kimball for EAIME’s involvement within the implementation of an evidence-based mannequin to reply to and forestall elder abuse and self-neglect. Beneath Kimball’s management, RISE—Restore Hurt, Encourage Change, Assist Connection, Empower Selection—was applied in Maine in partnership with the state’s Grownup Protecting Providers. The mannequin was described intimately through the symposium Canadian social employee David Burnes, professor on the College of Toronto, Issue-Inwentash College of Social Work, and Canada Analysis Chair on Older Grownup Mistreatment Prevention. 

Within the picture, from left are, Laura Mosqueda, director, Nationwide Middle on Elder Abuse, and professor of household medication and geriatrics, each on the USC Keck Faculty of Drugs; Patricia Kimball, and Georgia Anetzberger. (Picture credit score: USC Tamkin Symposium on Elder Abuse). 

Among the many social staff presenting posters on the symposium had been NASW Michigan Chapter member Pleasure Swanson Ernst, who co-presented a poster entitled APS Administrative Knowledge Initiative (AADI): A New Nationwide Community. Go to to learn the symposium program, slides, and posters. 



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