The Diamond Sutra (43) – Zen Fools


Half 14-1

Then, Subhuti, listening to the exposition of this sutra, profoundly understood the import and weeping, stated to the Buddha, “How uncommon it’s, World Honoured One! I’ve by no means heard you expound such an especially profound scripture as that is, from the attention of knowledge I’ve obtained.


Subhuti appeared to grasp the true-Self in particular person by experiencing it by his physique for the primary time. What we must always bear in mind right here is that the Buddha’s phrases, dharma talks are by no means uncommon though Subhuti stated they had been uncommon. Because the Avatamsaka Sutra says, “The physique of the Buddha is throughout the universe, seems earlier than sentient beings and responds to them, and giving various dharma talks, leads them to realisation.” And says, “The Buddha says with a single phrase all of the interminable dharma talks he has preached with refined sound filling the universe for infinite aeons,” and “the Buddha, being with us on a regular basis, has been, is and might be preaching dharma talks ceaselessly.” Each sound, together with silence, is the Buddha’s dharma discuss, and there’s no sound that’s not his dharma discuss. We can’t cease listening to it even for a second. The issue is that we don’t discern it. It isn’t as a result of the Buddha’s dharma discuss is uncommon however as a result of we can’t recognise it that it sounds uncommon. Actually, the Buddha had not expounded much less profound scripture earlier than though Subhuti stated he had by no means heard him expound such an especially profound scripture as that was, since there is no such thing as a distinction between amongst his dharma talks. As talked about within the Avatamsaka Sutra, the Buddha expressed, with a single phrase, all of the interminable dharma talks he has preached for infinite aeons, and Subhuti grasped it for the primary time.

Pupil: “What’s the extraordinarily profound scripture?”

Grasp: “Not a scripture.”

©Boo AhmAll writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway


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