What Michelangelo’s late-in-life works reveal about his genius – and his humanness


Michelangelo’s two most well-known works, David (1501-1504) and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (1508-1512), had been accomplished when the exalted Italian Renaissance grasp was in his 20s and 30s. Nevertheless, as this video from the British Museum explores, he lived to the ripe previous age of 88, and continued to create till his final days. Made to accompany the British Museum exhibition ‘Michelangelo: The Final Many years’, which covers works from 1534-1564, this quick video explores three of his drawings throughout his ultimate 30 years. Bringing the context of Michelangelo’s life and occasions to the works, the exhibition curator Sarah Vowles particulars how he was ceaselessly impressed by a want to please buddies and himself, and to make sense of his world via creativity. In doing so, Vowles helps to humanise this near-mythical determine, and even perhaps present viewers some inspiration for navigating the challenges of previous age.

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