My Quiet Life in Suffolk: Debenham Church Art Exhibition


 This exhibition from native artists is at all times properly supported, in keeping with {the catalogue} there have been 102 artists exhibiting 524  work. A lot of folks visiting too.

Hopeless for good pictures because of all the sunshine flooding into the church from outdoors, the place it was really sunny for a change, so I solely took a couple of pictures of some I discovered attention-grabbing.

Blended media collage by Jackie Dommet

Attractive colors in these summary bushes by Barry Fox in acrylics 

Linocuts by Gill Thornton

The 4 small prints in black frames beneath are by Deborah Key. I’ve two by her  -an owl and a hare – on my Image Wall, which weren’t framed once I received them and seeing these in black I want I would had mine completed in black frames too, they give the impression of being higher.

I appreciated these birds made from sea glass and perched on corks, somebody had purchased it already. Artist is Donna Jackson. 

These two beneath are by Penelope Conway and are glass and glass powders on a ceramic tiles. Actually pretty however I believe they approach they’re mounted on a chunk of tough white board spoils them. £75 every and once more  one is offered, the others hadn’t.

Again Quickly



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