The Diamond Sutra (44) – Zen Fools


Half 14-2

“World Honoured One, if there may be anybody who, on listening to this sutra, conceives pure religion, he’ll realise the true type of all the pieces. One ought to know that such an individual has achieved the rarest benefit.”

“World Honoured One, this true type of all the pieces just isn’t a kind: due to this fact, the Realised One says it’s known as the true type of all the pieces.”


‘Conceive pure religion’ right here means to see and listen to issues as they’re with out being deluded by kinds and phrases. ‘The true type of all the pieces’ implies Vacancy, the true-Self that’s boundless, formless and changeless. Though realising the true-Self is known as engaging in the rarest benefit, the true-Self is rarely uncommon however too widespread. It isn’t as a result of it’s uncommon however relatively as a result of it’s ample that we’ve got problem discerning it. So, we must always not assume that enlightenment is to get, or acquire one thing precious from outdoors by being deluded by the phrase ‘accomplish’. The true-Self, in truth, could be neither gained nor taken away because it, as talked about above, is boundless and formless. It accommodates all the pieces, and there may be nothing that doesn’t belong to it. This is the reason this true type of all the pieces just isn’t a kind: it’s known as the manifestation of fact.

Scholar: “What is that this true type of all the pieces like?”

Grasp: “There may be nothing prefer it as a result of there may be nothing else but it surely.”

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway


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